Monday, April 12, 2010

International Steppers Association Chartering Weekend (Tentative)

Friday, 25 June 2010
 1pm ISA Officers begin arriving (Baltimore, Dulles or Washington Reagan Airport)
 6pm ISA Reception Dinner (Zanzibar on the Waterfront)
 9pm ISA Members Meet and Greet (Zanzibar on the Waterfront)
Saturday, 26 June 2010
 0900-1000 ISA Business Meeting (6005 Plata Street, Clinton MD)
 330pm – 430pm Official Chartering Ceremony
Activity: Official membership cards, Chartering of ISA, Pictures, News release (Washington Post, Miami Herald, New York Times, LA Times, Chicago Sun, Detroit News, Atlanta-Journal-Constitution, Essence, Ebony)
Location: TBA (National Archives, Smithsonian complex)
 7pm-until ISA Celebration Events (Steppers Set TBA)
Washington DC Historical U Street
Locations: The Park at 14th, Club Tabaq, Bohemian Caverns
Sunday, 27 June 2010
 0800 Sunday Church Service - From The Heart Church Ministries (4949 Allentown Road, Suitland MD 20746)
 1200 ISA Officers Depart (BWI, DCA, Dulles)
The International Steppers Association: fully funded, self-organized and operated professional association for Steppers and affiliate members interested in furthering the development and education of Steppin as a Swing dance forum under the World Dance Council and World Swing Dance Council.
2010 ISA Program Goals and Objectives:
 Establish administrative International Headquarters with full constitution and bi-laws
 Seek fully paid members with established membership and associated privileges (discounts, charter membership, life time members, localized and regional affiliate chapters)
 Provide full time information and media support (1-800 #, email, website and Post Office Box)
 Develop and promote a centralized website, activities and calendar of events
 Join and support the US Swing Dance Association programming (intensive judge and instructor training, international membership and affiliate chapters and international and national competitions)
 Document and establish historical references, terminology and definitions, standardized movements and techniques and publish efforts in official periodicals
 Develop and maintain full time youth and charity programs
 Establish legitimate annual and five year budget programs to obtain 501 c 3 membership
 Host annual conventions, business and membership meetings for paid members
 Advocate for Steppers on media, legal and public relations activities
 Provide venue for international members and affiliate chapters
 Develop centralized training curriculums for judges, instructors and teachers
 Seek and obtain grants and funding from private sector donors
Contact us at:
International Steppers Association Conference Call # 218-862-1000 Access Code: 307375#

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