Sunday, December 12, 2010


Date: 21 November 2010

The meeting began with prayer by the Treasurer Crystal Johnson.    There were a total of 14 callers who participated on the call.  A total of 90 minutes were recorded for review. Members are encouraged to call in each week to take care of the business of the ISA in an efficient manner.

Roll call produced the following member activity.

Members present:
1.      Timothy D. Wilson, President – Washington DC **
2.      Anissa L. Guyton, Vice-President of Membership – Romulus, MI **
3.      Crystal Johnson, Treasurer - Virginia Beach, VA **
4.      Mary Laidler, Secretary, Atlanta GA (Chicago IL) **
5.      Zakeeyaw Toney, Vice President of Public Relations - Las Vegas, NV (Chicago, IL) **
6.      Andrew W. Smith, Sergeant of Arms - Miramar, FL (Chicago IL) **
7.      Buford Collins (Education and Training) - Ferndale, MI *
8.      Donna Crite (Education and Training) - Odenton, MI
9.      Deborah Hunt (Business Development) -  Virginia Beach, VA
10.  Seanta McClendon (Scholarships and Awards) - Melbourne, Florida **
11.  LC Henderson (Education and Training) -  Chicago, IL
12.  Victor James, Sr.  – Indianapolis, IN

Members absent:
1. Bonita Williams (Education and Training) – Detroit MI **
2. Sarah Teagle – Atlanta, GA **
3. Samuel Parker – Los Angeles, California 
4. Tracey Sisco - Boston, MA *
5. Demaris Wooten, Upper Marlboro, MD **
6. Anthony Dunn - Olney, MD (Chicago, IL) **
7. Darryl Wilder - Miramar, FL **
8. Jim Berry – Miami, FL (Chicago, IL)
9. Pamela Dunn – Olney, MD (Chicago, IL)
10.  Patricia Alexander - Detroit, MI *
11.  Oswald Cooper – New Orleans, LA

Guest callers:

1.      Nicola Thompson – St. Louis, MO

* Charter Member
** Life Member

Officers Report:

Treasurer’s report (pre-written):

Operating Fund Balance:  $422.89*
Scholarship Fund Balance:  $485.00

The Treasurer submitted $300.00 to the IRS for the ISA non-profit application for 501(c)3 exemption.  The remaining balance is $122.89.

ACTION:  Treasurer

Membership report: Sis Anissa Guyton conducted roll call and acknowledged ISA members on the phone call.  The ISA had a quorum in an effort to conduct ISA business.  Members are encouraged to join or volunteer to participate in a committee.

Membership fees to the ISA are as follows:

General membership:  $50
Lifetime membership: $300

Mail payment:

International Steppers Association
404 Investors Place, Suite 106
Virginia Beach, VA 23452-1171


Paypal is send payment to email (there is a nominal fee automatically charged to customer by using Paypal) 

ACTION: Anissa Guyton, VP of Membership

Public Relations report: No report was provided. 

 ACTION: Zakeeyaw Toney, VP of Public Relations

Education and Training report:  Bro. Collins reported the Education Committees progress on the ISA Training Manual.  The process is ongoing and the first draft was submitted on 2 December 2010.  He is also requesting that if other ISA members have figures or inputs that can be included in the manual to please contact the Education Committee to be a part of the manual which will be published accordingly. 

ACTION: Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Donna Crite, Lloyd Henderson and Darryl Wilder

Committees:   There were no committee reports due to time constraints. 

Old Business:

The meeting was a special effort to vote on the pricing of the upcoming ISA Conference in Chicago.  The final voting results are captured in the official registration letter from President below:

Letter from President to all ISA Members:

ISA Members,
Congratulations!  The excitement is beginning as we prepare for the 2011 ISA International Convention, 24-26 June 2011.  The ISA has logged its 25th member in just under 11 months.  The momentum is building as we have many critical issues to address concerning our social and professional community.  We will continue this process in June with a robust agenda supported by all of you.
Members are now able to make reservation with the Hilton, Oak Lawn.  The ISA obligation is for at least 10 members to make reservation before 31 December 2010.  Please join the officers of ISA by making your hotel reservations before 1 January 2011.  All ISA members must register for at least one night.
The convention registration fees are as follows:
ISA Members: $50.00
Non-ISA Members:  $60.00
ISA members who do not register for at least one night:  $60.00 (via Proxy by Board of Directors)
All members will receive the tax deductible group rate of $129.00 until 31 January 2011.  You will receive further savings by receiving your tax deductible letter from our Treasurer for your records.  Members who are not registered for at least one evening will be assessed an administrative fee accessed by the Board of Directors.  This will ensure that all members are contributing equally (please refer to the November ISA minutes).  Only ISA members who reside in Chicago permanently are exempt and will not be assessed an administrative fee.  As of this date, we only have one (1) ISA member who is exempt that resides in Chicago, IL.  The hotel rate will revert back to the market rate as of 1 February 2011 so please make reservation as soon as possible to ensure you receive the ISA rate.
Please contact:  Hilton Reservation,
9333 S. Cicero Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Tel.: 708 425 7800   Fax: 708 229 8858
Reservations: or 1-800-HILTONS

All associated registration data will be posted on the upcoming ISA website not later than 1 January 2011.
In order to reserve your room please reserve by mentioning:  International Steppers Association.  Please ask for Gabriela if you have any questions with the Hilton hotel staff.  If you have any questions, you may contact me directly.    


T. Dweylan Wilson
International Steppers Association

Update:  The Board of Directors voted via Proxy (see attached letter to Board of Directors) to charge a $60.00 ISA non-reservation fee for all ISA members who are registered by 31 January 2011 for a minimum of one (1) evening.  The reservation fee is in an effort for all ISA members who do not reside in Chicago to support  equally the ISA Convention and fees associated with the ISA.

New business:

Chicago native Lloyd Henderson volunteered to provide administrative assistance to help defray cost for last minute printing.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm with closing prayer lead by Crystal Johnson. The call was recorded and can be heard by dialing: 218-862-1099 307375# , #.   Please use *1 (rewind), *2 (fast forward) and *5 (pause/resume).  There are 134 total minutes recorded.

The next ISA meeting will be on Sunday, 30 January 2011 at 7pm Eastern Standard Time.  Please dial in by 6:45pm so that we can start on time. The dial in number is 1-218-862-1000 ACCESS CODE: 307375#.

Mary Laidler, ISA Secretary


Letter from President concerning ISA Non-reservation fee (Proxy by Board of Directors)


Mon, December 6, 2010 8:04:12 PM
Re: ISA Board of Directors Vote required
President President  
View Contact
Crystal Johnson ; Andrew Smith ; Zakeeyaw Toney ; Anissa Leigh ; Mary Laidler

The vote on this referendum carried in the affirmative.  I will show the vote as an attachment to the meeting minutes. 
Thank you for your assistance in advance,

Timothy D. Wilson
International Steppers Association
Skype: InternationalSteppersAssociation

From: President President
To: Crystal Johnson <>; Andrew Smith <>; Zakeeyaw Toney <>; Anissa Leigh <>; Mary Laidler <>
Sent: Sun, November 28, 2010 3:33:58 AM
ISA Board of Directors Vote required

Subject:  Administrative Fee for Non-reserved ISA Members       
           27 November 2010
ISA Board of Directors,
ISA Officers, we failed to establish the associated fee for ISA members who fail to make a reservation with the Hilton, Oak Lawn Hotel.  During the ISA meeting we did not vote on a critical issue of assessing ISA members who did not register for at least one night.  As you know, each member must register for one evening except for ISA members who reside in Chicago.  At this time, only one (1) ISA members is exempt for reserving a room of one night.  Given that we do not meet until 30 January 2011, the Board of Directors will have to vote by proxy on the administrative fee for not reserving with the Oak Lawn Hilton.    It is recommended that we assess a $60.00 fee (50% of room rate) to ISA members who decide not to reserve a room with the Hilton.
The total bill to date is $4,716.00.  The fees include:
·                  Publishing material
·                  Banners                                                                
·                  Education and Training reimbursement 
·                  Hotel Contract
·                  T-shirt design
·                  Souvenir designs
·                  Entertainment expenses
·                  Award and Scholarship material

The Board of Directors will vote for this effort via Proxy only.  Your non-response will be in the affirmative of this recommendation.  If there is any dissension we will have to arrange a teleconference for discussion and vote.
This referendum will concluded on 5 December 2010 at midnight.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approved administrative fee of $60.00 per ISA member who does not make a reservation of at least one night at the Hilton, Oak Lawn under the ISA Reservation code.
Any questions or comments, please contact me at 202-549-3021.

T. Dweylan Wilson
International Steppers Association

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

ISA Newsletter - December 2010

Volume 1 Winter 2010                                                     10 December 2010

President’s Corner:

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year! As 2011 approaches the ISA looks proudly back at a very successful year for Steppers internationally. The ISA joins the ranks of a select few non-profit organizations who advocate for the continued education, training and standardization of dance. Additionally, the ISA is focused on helping build local communities through community based programs, scholarship and philanthropy. With the future development of local ISA chapters, the ISA will continue to grow in international advocacy, standardize structure and decentralized agenda at the local level. The coming 2011 year promises to be more prominent with the first ISA International Convention in Oak Lawn, Illinois. With over 14,000 urban dancers, 145 social instructors in over 33 cities Steppers are spending over $8,000,000 annually (2010 ISA survey) the ISA’s responsibility is necessary and timely. The collective economic strength is growing and the ISA will continue to provide leadership in centralizing and formalizing an international agenda that continues to benefit all Steppers. All ISA members should be proud of your accomplishments. Thank you kindly for your leadership, dedication and personal commitment on behalf of Steppers and the dance community internationally. If 2010 is an indication success, 2011 looks to be even greater.

ISA International Convention

Chicago 24-26 June 2011

Congratulations! The excitement is beginning as we prepare for the 2011 ISA International Convention, 24-26 June 2011. Members are now able to make reservation with the Hilton, Oak Lawn. All members will receive the tax deductible group rate of $129.00 until 31 January 2011. The hotel rate will revert back to the market rate as of 1 February 2011 so please make reservation as soon as possible to ensure you receive the ISA rate. ISA members who fail to register must pay non-registrants fee of $60.00 in addition to their convention registration.

Please contact: Hilton Reservation,

9333 S. Cicero Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Tel.: 708 425 7800 Fax: 708 229 8858

Reservations: or 1-800-HILTONS

Note: Wanted ISA Convention planners to assist with convention planning


1. Timothy D. Wilson, President – Washington DC **

2. Crystal Johnson, Treasurer - Virginia Beach, VA **

3. Mary Laidler, Secretary, Atlanta GA (Chicago IL) **

4. Anissa L. Guyton, Vice-President of Membership – Romulus, MI**

5. Zakeeyaw Toney, Vice President of Public Relations - Las Vegas, NV (Chicago, IL) **

6. Andrew W. Smith, Sergeant of Arms - Miramar, FL (Chicago IL) **

                                  Current Members:

1. Tracey Sisco - Boston, MA *

2. Patricia Alexander - Detroit, MI *

3. Demaris Wooten, Upper Marlboro, MD **

4. Buford Collins (Education and Training) - Ferndale, MI *

5. Bonita Williams (Education and Training) – Detroit, MI *

6. Darryl Wilder (Education and Training) - Miramar, FL **

7. Donna Crite (Education and Training) - Odenton, MI

8. LC Henderson (Education and Training) - Chicago, IL

9. Sarah Teagle (2011 Convention Planning) – Atlanta, GA **

10. Valerie Morman (Website Maintenance) – Memphis, TN

11. Deborah Hunt (Business Development) - Virginia Beach, VA

12. Seanta McClendon (Scholarships and Awards) - Melbourne, FL

13. Samuel Parker – Los Angeles, California

14. Anthony Dunn - Olney, MD (Chicago, IL) **

15. Jim Berry – Miami, FL (Chicago, IL)

16. Pamela Dunn – Olney, MD (Chicago, IL)

17. Oswald Cooper – New Orleans, LA

18. Victor James, Sr. – Indianapolis, IN

19. Scott Freeman – Boston, MA

* Charter Member

** Life Member
                                  ISA Membership

Interested in joining ISA in the near future?

Membership fees:

General membership: $50

Lifetime membership: $300

Mail payment:

International Steppers Association

404 Investors Place, Suite 106

Virginia Beach, VA 23452-1171

Or send payment to email:

                                                   ISA 2010 Success!
1. Registered 25 fully paid members

2. Raised over $3500 by members

3. Signed international constitution and bylaws

4. Officially incorporated as ISA LLC

5. Nonprofit 501 C 3 status file pending

6. Organized and hosted an exclusive Steppers intensive with the Golden State Dance Teachers Association and Ms. Skippy Blair (World Swing Dance Council co-founder and Board Member)

7. Forwarded letter of support to Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton National Dance Day initiative

8. Hosted ISA International Charter Ceremony

9. Over $475 for youth scholarship

10. Designed, developed and completed the annual comprehensive Steppers Climate Survey courtesy of the ISA

                              JOIN ISA TODAY- ENJOY THE BENEFITS

• 100% tax deductions of all Steppin related expense for ISA members (Education and travel expenses, competition accessories, professional services)

• Annual and Life membership discounts

• Support youth, adult and community based programs

• Gain creditability from professional and social participation

• Standardized Steppin curriculum and training methods

• Gain critical teaching skills that are proven

• Increase intermediate and advanced student retention

• Learn academic based dance methodology according to dance theory

• Improve your professional and social development by meeting peers

• Help document Steppin based books, DVDs designed by ISA members

                                       ISA website COMING SOON


Friday, November 19, 2010

ISA Agenda: 21 November 2010

Date:  Sunday,  21 November 2010

1.     Welcome
2.      Call to order  (Sergeant of Arms)
3.      Roll call of members present  (VP of Membership)
4.      Approval of previous minutes (Secretary)
5.      Officers reports.
·         Treasurer's Report
·         VP Membership Report
·         VP Public Relations Report
·         Education and Training Report
6.      Committee reports
·        Annual business meeting
·        Strategic planning
7.       Old business.
·        2011 ISA Annual Business Meeting (Chicago, IL)
·         Website Development
·         Corporate and business development -   Jim Berry and
      Deborah Hunt
8.       New business
                        .    Trademark/Logo Restrictions      
                        .    Leadership Positions
                        .    Open to the Floor

9.       Announcements.
10.  Adjournment
11.   Next meeting TBD

 International Steppers Association Conference Call #  218-862-1000
Access Code:  307375#

Mary Laidler
International Steppers Association

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Letter to ISA Members

Subject: IMPORTANT! Semi-Annual Meeting

Dear ISA Members/potential members:

Happy Holidays and Happy Veterans Day!                                         11 November 2010

It seems like the ISA chartering ceremony was just yesterday. We have made significant progress in moving Steppin forward professionally. The lists of noteworthy achievements have been well documented.

On 21 November we will have a very important semi-annual meeting. The primary agenda topic will be the 2011 Annual Convention. We are now formally under contractual obligation with the Hilton, Oak Lawn.   During the 17 October 2011 ISA business meeting ISA members voted to move forward with a contract that required a minimum of 10 ISA members to register by 31 December 2010 to show our financial commitment to the annual event.  We stand to lose $500 in transaction fees if we don’t hold our end of the contract. 

We have a small challenge in that most of us either know a family member in Chicago, we want to room with another member or have an organizational discount we can use.  The ISA Board of Directors is asking that you register as an ISA member at the $129.00 rate we have agreed. If we do not comply we will lose a large portion of our budget due to default.  Further, the rate of $129.00 will not be available after 31 January 2011. So we are asking for you to be diligent in moving forward with your reservation. Your participation will ensure that the ISA will not be penalized unnecessarily. Please join me and the other members by registering with the hotel for Friday and Saturday evening as soon as your schedule will allow with the dates above in mind.  Please contact Reservations and confirm your reservation with a valid credit card number at 800-315-1058 and ask for International Steppers Association room block.
Note: The rate we received is based on our ISA membership numbers.  If everyone registers we will meet our financial obligation with no problem.  All expenses are tax deductible for ISA members only.  Please make sure you receive and retain your ISA receipts for your records.

ISA participated in the Combined Federal Campaign training on 5 November 2011 in Washington DC.  We are in the process of applying to receive federal funding to support our scholarship, community and youth based mission.  Over $280M are available to over 35,000 charities like ours.  In the Washington DC area alone they have raised over $14M in less than four months.  The administrative work we have completed will ensure that ISA qualifies for federal funds and will quickly advance the professional efforts of the Steppin community international.  This will take much of the financial burden off individual Steppers.  We should have our non profit tax exempt status by February.  This effort allows for our activities, donations and programs to receive the most efficient use of benefits to our organization and to us as individuals. 

We are breaking new ground as a collaborative way to advance Steppin through collective intellectual, human and social capital. I have attached a side by side comparison chart that we will be discussing during the meeting. What you will see is a simple presentation of the social and professional paradigms. The differences are varied but you will receive a perspective that you may have not seen before the ISA. It is easier to do more when everyone works in concert with each other.

Please pass the word concerning the upcoming meeting. We will be introducing the chairperson of the ISA Convention, Sis Sarah Teagle. She has graciously volunteered to take the reins of marketing and advertising for the event. We will be a planning a full day of training, seminars and education.  The social sets in Chicago are many so members will be able to enjoy themselves after the ISA activities keeping cost down and enjoyment up.  There will be plenty of opportunity to Step the night away in Chicago; the international capital of Steppin!  All information will be posted on our upcoming ISA website:

Please mark your calendars and call in early.

The next ISA meeting will be on Sunday, 21 November 2010 at 7pm. Please dial in by 6:30 pm so that we can start on time. The dial in number is 1-218-862-1000 ACCESS CODE: 307375#.

Timothy D. Wilson
International Steppers Association
Skype: Internationalsteppersassociation

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Watch the history of African rhythms from the eyes of Mambo: Cachao

Great documentary on Cachao (famous Cuban musician).  They do a superb job explaining musicality, counting, timing etc.  How important is it to understand where you are in the dance is explained here.  You also get a wonderful view of the love of music and what happens if you don't take care of the business side of the house.  This is a great short film on an American legend.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Universal Unit System Saves the Day

The Universal Unit System Saves the Day
Buford G. Collins
Today was not an unusual day for lessons the first four students to arrive were ladies training to follow. No leaders came in during this start of session. I began to strategize how I would effectively teach four ladies with no partners. I went with my first thought which was to work with them on footwork and styling. We used one “8 beat” pattern for “Free Style & Break Away” movement and four “6 beat” Steppin’ patterns to enhance their practice of rhythm changes within the dance. The 32 beats of patterns became a motion study routine that eventually was turned into a line dance called “Slow Walk”. We worked on the line dance patterns for the entire time without any leaders’ participation. The ladies found the class challenging and fun. They problem solved a lot of their own issues while supporting each other’s efforts. It was a pleasurable and educating time for all, especially me. If it wasn't for the Universal Unit System and the training from the Golden State Dance Teachers Association I might have spent the time leading all the followers that attended and trying to convince them to learn how to lead steppin’ with each other. It's not unusual in our community of social dance lessons for Steppin’ to have a large imbalance of men and women in attendance at the same time. One of things we can hopefully fix in the near future is that we can put the partnership into partner dancing.  Students should arrive ready to partner with one another. When such imbalances occurs in a class an instructor with good training and foresight can plan to make the most of their class with other trainable techniques. Using the Universal Unit System allowed me to not be hindered by a problem that most social dance instructors aren't sure how to face and solve. I have put a strong focus on taking my dance from street to teach and the Universal Unit System and the Golden State Dance Teachers Association has been a great guide to achieving my goal.

Note: UNIVERSAL UNIT SYSTEM® - A method of training dancers that emphasizes connecting the dancer to the music - starting on lesson one. The system concentrates on elements of music and timing and elements of movement. (2) This system isolates the components and covers all forms of dance, social level to performance level. (3) This is the trademark for the teaching system and system of annotation that is the basis for certification through the Golden State Dance Teachers Association.

Skippy, B. (1998). "Dance Terminology Notebook" Advancing Communication in Dance With particular focus on California’s official State Dance: West Coast Swing Skippy Blair original © 1998 - Latest Edit 7-07. Retrieved from

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ISA Economic Survey (released 25 August 2010)



The purpose of the ISA climate survey was to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the Steppin community. The survey population represents an estimated 3,000 Steppers throughout the international dance community. The ISA is made up of a 20 member administrative body of members organized to support the broader interest of dancers in the Steppin community.

Steppin reflects a six beat rhythm pattern developed as a result of an amalgamation of Swing dances which matriculated into a dance style popularized by Chicago’s urban community. Steppin is seeing an increasing resurgence and predominance throughout the adult urban and contemporary partner dancing culture. The dance relies on a double rhythm and two syncopated triple rhythms which pulsate on the upbeat versus the down beat. The origin of the dance has varied over the period from the early 60s until the present however it has maintained its basic repetitive six-beat form. In an effort to bring a centralized focus to the dance the ISA has recognized the name of “Steppin” to bring the dance under one central naming convention. The ISA believes Steppin will continue to evolve as more dancers expose different movements and amalgamations over time and thus enhance its development as a robust dance form of Swing dance in the international community.

The ISA is a non-profit organization organized to represent the interest of financial members, organizations and affiliates on behalf of Steppers worldwide. All services that are the result of donations, philanthropic programs and services are given back to the community through continued improvement programs. All donations, contributions or charitable activities to the ISA or on behalf of the ISA are 100% tax deductible in accordance with federal laws. The ISA accepts all donations on behalf of youth programs, private charities and operating programs. The ISA operating fund covers the administrative efforts on behalf of its financial paid members. All members and donors are advised to seek the assistance of their professional counselors for tax

advisement. ISA is represented by Clay and Allen P.C. of Fairfax Virginia. The constitution and bylaws provide written documentation and guidance on the direction and guidelines of all members of the ISA. The ISA depends directly on individual Steppers and supporters to participate as leaders, members, affiliates or partners to ensure its robust goals are met. We encourage those who have not committed to get involved today and take an active role in its success. With your cooperation we will be able to make a collective difference in our community.

The random survey was submitted via online social sources to ensure maximum exposure to Steppers internationally. The ISA was officially chartered on 26 June 2010. The official incorporation date is 11 August 2010. It was imperative to embrace social sources such as FACEBOOK and databases that would reach communities which would otherwise be limited by time, cost, location and logistics. The survey questionnaire asked a series of 28 queries related to the climate of the Steppin community.

Based on the above information the survey registered a 95% confidence level and a 2.27 confidence interval. The researcher judged the survey as valid and reliable based on the sufficiency of the respondents and questions determined for accuracy. The survey is only to be used to baseline 2010-2011 goals and objectives based on the community responses. The social context provides bench marks to obtain an overall understanding of its membership and broader community.

The survey calculations were supported by Creative Research Systems, Petaluma California, online service.


The demographic represent respondents from the international Steppin community. The largest age ranges of 40-49 represent 48% of the Steppin community. Conversely, there were no respondents in the key development ages of 18-28.

The gender population displays a majority female ratio of 72% versus 28% for male.

The education completion rate of 52% represents those who have attained at least an undergraduate degree.

Finally, the household income breakdown begins with $40K-$60K at 30.7%. This ratio provides a superb indicator of Steppers ability to pursue leisure activities.

Steppers represent a variety of communities throughout the US. There are instances of Steppers who are overseas for various reasons. Some are either teaching or students of the dance. This study provides a quantitative overview of respondents which provides a baseline of 33 local areas captured in the survey. Future studies will compare and contrast the actual representation of actual participative Steppin communities.

Steppers are attending an average of 5.12 sets per month.

Likewise, Steppers are attending 3.37 major Steppers sets annually.


From an economic perspective, the Steppin community is spending an estimated $8.8 million across various markets. On an average, it is costing each Stepper approximately $2,800 per year. Tax benefits and savings could represent over $400,000 or 3%-5% in return dollars in the community given the proper filing of IRS forms. The travel industry is benefiting to the tune of $2 million or more. Likewise, the clothing, hair and accessory industry may be achieving a robust return at the expense of Steppers. The synopsis below touches on a few prominent areas for consideration.

Annual average expenditure rate for respondents:

Air Hotel Rental Food/Spirits

$410.00 $440.00 $121.00 $381.85

Accessories Clothing Shoes/Boots

$296.00 $393.00 $362.00

Note: Figures may vary dependent on location and personal expenditure rates.

(Based on an estimated 3,153 Steppers)

Ticket purchases for Steppers events are $1,200,000.00

Airline ticket purchases: $1,305,000.00

Hotel reservations: $1,400,520.00

Rental car sales: $384,379.00

Dinning/food/spirits: $1,215,428.55

Accessory purchases: $942,168.00

Clothing purchases: $1,250,919.00

Shoe/Boot purchases: $1,152,246.00

The total amount spent annually: $8,853,090.63.

The average Stepper spends $2,807.83 annually on activities related to Steppin.

The survey reflects the economic robustness of the Steppers community. The ISA will leverage these efforts in conjunction with our corporate and business development committee chairpersons. With the help from public and private agencies, we will be able to continue supporting the Steppin community with a formal and robust program.


The result of the survey revealed that 73.7% of respondents stated they would join the ISA and 68.4% desired to join a local chapter.

Likewise, members desired to see a vast improvement in standardization, instructor training and certification by 61%.

This ISA is leading this effort by working directly with one of America’s finest dance organizations and instructors. The Golden State Dance Teachers Association and Ms. Skippy Blair are the first organization to partner with the ISA in codifying the dance with support from a full curriculum and annotation system recognized by the World Dance Council and World Swing Dance Council. The Steppers exclusive intensive takes place on 27-29 August 2010.

Documentation of the dance is the only way to ensure there is formal and historical validity of the dance called “Steppin.” This effort will be submitted to the Library of Congress on as Training Manual 1-1. The manual will cover the basic structure of the dance and will compliment the social progress and efforts of our legacy. Codifying the dance ensures the ISA meets its goal of standardizing and providing a core training manual for dancers internationally. The document will provide the basic Steppin principles and movements accompanied by dance phraseology and terminology as it relates to music.

As a result of ISA leadership and commitment to ensure Steppin is recognized internationally we are asking our respondents (over 66.7% supported) and the broader Steppin community to join us at the ISA Convention and Business Meeting in Chicago Illinois on 24-26 June 2011. Increased support through local organized chapters and individuals will continue the hard work and dedication of educating, training and standardization of Steppin. Seminars, education and training opportunities are just a few of the important activities being considered. Likewise, the focus on local community projects such as improved academics, increased educational opportunities, youth programming, scholarships, and charity programs will be discussed.


In summary, the ISA report represents a comprehensive assessment of respondents who represented a random survey of dancers in the international Steppin community. The survey calculations were provided by Creative Research Systems who compensated for errors, omissions and anomalies. The survey represents a cross pollination of the typical dancer associated with the Steppin community in 2010-2011. Readers should see a corresponding representation in their community which mirrors the survey results above. Some areas where clusters prevail may show slight differences due to their proximity (distance) to a larger concentration in the industry. However, the consensus of the report is a greater indicator the overall market due to its 95% confidence level.

An area which must be improved is that of youth programming. With a 0% response from age range of 0-28 years of age and a 23% respondent for ages 50 and over, more emphasis and energy should be redirected to obtain increase participation in ages 0-28. Youth and community programs such as literacy, technology, fine arts and science efforts would be ideal and could improve existing community challenges across the spectrum. Likewise, there should be an emphasis to integrate immediately with other genres of dance through competition, youth workshops and training. The ISA is committed to pursuing this effort through youth scholarships beginning in June 2011. The ISA welcomes tax deductible donations for scholarships and programs through its scholarship program (501 c (3) non-profit submission should be completed by December 2010). Partnering with youth programs such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Urban League, NAACP, National Youth Leadership foundations and the like are ideal. Urban and inner city challenges (low graduation rates, crime and violence, drop rates) suggest clearly that action must be taken to ensure they are given the opportunity to succeed. Likewise, Steppin must prevail in the 21st Century and beyond and it is with the youth of the current generation that will be the Steppers of tomorrow.

The professional and social impact of Steppin may depend on increase participation of this age group. Likewise, more improvement in gender distribution should be addressed. This could be absolved by increasing youth participation in the future.

The success of a formalized group of leaders will not prevail without the financial, social and community support of donors, public and private. The ISA has appointed a corporate and business development chairperson to address these needs through donations at the charity and philanthropic levels. It is our hope that through their support the ISA operational and professional expenses will be met. With the support of donors and philanthropic organizations and individuals the ISA should be successful in providing continue youth programming and scholarship to future Steppers who are achieving through academic programs in their local community.

The response from across the country was extremely positive. The cross sectional participation provided a sufficient summary of internet users, social networking participation and geographic awareness of promotion, marketing and advertisement. All regions of the community were represented.

The social aspects of the Steppin community cannot be overlooked. The ISA supports the informal social equity-based Steppers community. There are many who will continue to dance, socialize and maintain the necessary social climate that permeates all night club dances (as identified by the World Dance Council). This is very necessary and valuable.

The ISA will continue to recognize and support the importance of the hard work of social instructors, promoters, organizers and social dance competitions at the local level. Without the grassroots nature of the Steppin community, the Steppin culture would not be unique. In kind, a robust organization must be supplanted on the international forefront to ensure the hard work and social effort of over 20 years is not forgotten and is nurtured by those who made it successful. The lifeblood of all formal organizations depends on social networking, traditional social culture and community development in local areas. Together, the ISA will build on both efforts to ensure that the history and culture of Steppin is documented and shared with the voices of the entire community represented.


The ISA is looking forward to more participation from those who would like to leverage their social experience by joining and participating in a formal organization geared toward improving the education, training and standardization of Steppers. The ISA encourages each Stepper to get involved today with the mission and goals of the ISA. The ISA needs dedicated members who are committed to moving Steppin in to the broader industry of dance. There are thousands of men and women who compete in the professional, Pro-Am and amateur ranks (World Dance, DanceSport, World Masters). International, national and regional associations sponsor dance conventions and competitions to help promote the overall body of dance. The ISA is making great strides to be a part of the industry but we need your individual and local chapter help to make this possible. We are slowly but certainly getting there. If you are thinking about joining, do so today and make a difference in the lives of future generations of Steppers who need your leadership, time and attention today.

The ISA is in need of strong leaders who have an opportunity to share their professional organizational talents. The ISA is providing a robust opportunity to make available leadership positions that will transfer to the professional environment. Whether improving present skills or gaining new exciting possibilities, one’s resume can be documented to show your leadership skills to other professionals. If you are trying to build your resume or change career fields in the future take this opportunity to get in on the ground floor and sharpen your skill set in the industry.

Join the ISA today! Annual membership is only $50. Lifetime membership is $300. All membership fees are tax deductible. Please contact your tax advisory accordingly. Payment should be received at


For membership information, please contact Ms. Anissa L. Guyton at or 313-587-5065.


In light of the overall assessment of survey respondents, the ISA will address the following recommendations.

1. Actively communicate the progress and improvement of the Steppin community to the formalized leading organizations of international and national dance.
2. Submit formal recognition of Steppin as a Swing dance as prescribed within the rules and guidance of the World Dance Council through the World Swing Dance Council.
3. Increase support from private and public donors for improved charity and community based program specifically in the arts and entertainment and youth programs
4. Continue to foster local chapter based programs to ensure community programs are central to local awareness and cooperation
5. Encourage ISA leadership and management opportunities through local chapter organizations
6. Encourage the establishment of formal youth and young adult based Steppin programs for ages 0 – 28 which is certified by federal and state education authorities
7. Develop and support international, national and regional competition based programs to encourage professional and social networking with other genres of dance
8. Publish ISA Training Manual 1-1 (basic characteristics and attributes of traditional Steppin and Steppin 101 curriculum at a minimum) to ensure standardization of movements and phraseology and for widest dissemination to members and sister organizations review and participation
9. Establish ISA Scholarship and Awards foundation program to be presented annually utilizing membership fees and donations from Fortune 500 and minority based programs
10. Seek financial assistance from civic organizations (private and public) for institutional funding of grants to support ISA operations and mission to support increased scholarship and educational opportunities
11. Encourage legacy Steppers to aggressively partner and/or support ISA programs and committees that are needed to ensure sustained long term success in a collaborative and non-attribution forum at the national level

Appendix 1 : Invitation

Appendix 2: Thank you letter

Appendix: 1

Dear Steppers,

We are inviting you to participate in a community climate survey. Our short questionnaire asks a variety of questions about your Steppin community and culture. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Our mission is to improve our community through enhanced training, education and standardization. With your assistance in our survey, we are much closer to sharing our positive and collective story with the international dance community.

Your participation is completely voluntary. The ISA will share the results in our annual report and upcoming newsletters throughout the year. The survey will end on 15 August 2010.

If you have any questions or comments about completing the questionnaire, simply email us at

Thank you,

International Steppers Association

Appendix: 2

International Steppers Association

Join the conversation, the movement, the future!

Survey respondents 7 August 2010

Thank you kindly for participating in the ISA Climate Survey. Your responses are a testament to your commitment to improving the Steppin community. With an 88% completion rate to date we know that Steppers are concerned about the dance that we love and cherish. If we are to succeed in standardizing and streamlining the way we train and educate Steppers we have to organize and make sure what we do is documented for future generations.

Our community is over 3,000 Steppers strong and we are spending over $10 million annually on accessories that support our community. That is almost $3,400 per Stepper. At some point we need to return those resources to our youth and community through scholarships and programming. We need your participation in the ISA to make sure this becomes a reality.

The survey ends on the 15th of August but that does not mean the work is over. The ISA needs your local Steppin community to get involved. We are making some historic inputs but we cannot do it alone. We need leaders, volunteers and community planners as well. We have 18 strong members as of this writing and we hope you will join us. We only ask that you do what your strengths are in support of the ISA. We are a non-profit legal entity. The resources we garner go directly back to the community and to each Stepper regardless if they are ISA members or not. As we speak we are completing a training manual for all Steppers to use. It is being codified by ISA Steppers and the Golden State Dance Teachers Association. Secondly, we are seeking corporate donations from major dance agencies internationally on your behalf. But we need your participation to make sure programs are designed in accordance with the best interest of each Stepper.

We need your resources, assistance and most of all your participation. If you are interested in

supporting and joining the ISA, contact Ms. Anissa L. Guyton, 313-587-5065 to register today. Then join or volunteer to lead a committee program. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


International Steppers Association