Thursday, October 21, 2010

ISA October Minutes w/Certificate of Incorporation

Date: 17 October 2010

The meeting began with prayer by the ISA Sergeant at Arms Andrew Smith. The September minutes were approved by the voting body. There were a total of 13 callers. A total of 77 minutes was recorded for review. Members are encouraged to call in each meeting to take care of the business of the ISA in an efficient manner. If you are unable to make it, we ask that you provide a written committee report to the Secretary three (3) days prior to the meeting. This will ensure we have a report to provide to the members who are taking the time out to attend the meeting.

Roll call produced the following member activity.

Members present:
1. Timothy D. Wilson, President – Washington, DC **
2. Anissa L. Guyton, Vice-President of Membership – Romulus, MI **
3. Demaris Wooten, Upper Marlboro, MD **
4. Buford Collins (Education and Training) - Ferndale, MI *
5. Crystal Johnson, Treasurer - Virginia Beach, VA **
6. Mary Laidler, Secretary, Atlanta GA (Chicago, IL) **
7. Andrew W. Smith, Sergeant of Arms - Miramar, FL (Chicago, IL) **
8. Seanta Williams (Scholarships and Awards) - Melbourne, Florida
9. Oswald Cooper – New Orleans, LA

Members absent:
1. Zakeeyaw Toney, Vice President of Public Relations - Las Vegas, NV (Chicago, IL) **
2. Sarah Teagle – Atlanta, GA **
3. Tracey Sisco - Boston, MA *
4. Anthony Dunn - Olney, MD (Chicago, IL) **
5. Darryl Wilder - Miramar, FL **
6. Deborah Hunt (Business Development) - Virginia Beach, VA
7. Jim Berry (Corporate Sponsorship) – Miami, FL (Chicago, IL)
8. Bonita Williams (Education and Training) – Detroit MI *
9. Patricia Alexander - Detroit, MI *
10. Donna Crite (Education and Training) - Odenton, MI
11. Samuel Parker – Los Angeles, California
12. Lloyd Henderson (Education and Training) - Chicago, IL
13. Pamela Dunn – Olney, MD (Chicago, IL)

Guest callers:

1. Tasca Carroll – Miami, FL
2. Victor James – Indianapolis, IN
3. Sonia Harris – Boston, MA
4. Nicola Thomas – St. Louis, MO

* Charter Member
** Life Member

Officers Report:

Treasurer’s report:
The operating fund balance has been adjusted accordingly to include fees deducted for each membership transaction and each payment for the August Intensive totaling $116.73:

-Operating Fund Balance $497.39
-Scholarship Fund Balance $475.00
ACTION: Total deposit to be made to new account $922.39 by Mr President, Timothy Wilson on October 18, 2010

-Reimbursements Payable $700.00 - Timothy Wilson
-*Reimbursements Payable $286.80 - Buford Collins
*waiting for more receipts from Buford.

These reimbursements will be made at the June 2011 convention.

Approved to move financial Report to Auditing Committee

ACTION: Crystal Johnson, Treasurer

September meeting minutes were approved as submitted

Public Relations report: No report was provided. Mr. President will contact VP of Public Relations to submit current report. ACTION: Zakeeyaw Toney, VP of Public Relations

Membership report:

Sis Anissa Guyton reported that the ISA will utilize the upcoming ISA website as the formal means of registering new members. A registration form will be attached for members to review and complete for membership. This will be supported by increase effort to reach out to existing ISA members who may or may not have volunteered to work on a committee. This approach is a continued effort to encourage paid members to find their area of specialty and participate actively in the ISA mission. The tri-fold membership pamphlet will be developed by 31 January 2011. This will provide the basic membership information and registration format for those potential members at events her team visits.

Membership fee structure as of 18 October 2010:

Life Member: $300
General membership: $50
Chapter membership fee: $100 per organization (must have 7 voting members)

ACTION: Anissa Guyton, VP of Membership

Education and Training report: The ISA Training Manual is schedule for release by 31 January 2011. This will be the first international product from the ISA. It will standardize the basic elements of Steppin providing definitions on timing, rhythm, movement, partnering, beginners’ syllabus, six beat/eight beat basic patterns, annotations, initial 10 patterns and several starter steps. The manual will be available to anyone who wants a copy FREE of charge. The full publication manual will be sold by the ISA on our website. It will provide more of an indepth background of Steppin, informative articles and history along with the basic ISA manual. This will be published and submitted to the Library of Congress and other international dance community archives. More to come on prices for the full ISA pamphlet.

ACTION: Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Donna Crite and Darryl Wilder

Committees: There were no committee reports due to the absence of committee chairperson on the call. We need volunteers to assist the committee chairpersons below. This will help the ISA maintain a report from the committee in the absence from the chairperson.

*Jim L. Berry – Corporate Development – No report submitted.

*Deborah L. Hunt – Business Development – No report submitted.

*Seanta McClendon – Scholarships and Awards – No report provided. However Sis. McClendon did report that the scholarship criterion is in draft and a report will be provided as soon as possible. The level of scholarships will be dependent on how much money the ISA is able to collect from corporate and individual donations (see Treasurers report).

Old Business:

Codification: This process continues as the Education and Training team develops the ISA Training Manual 1-1. The next proposed Steppin intensive will be in 24-27 June 2011 during the ISA International Convention in Oaklawn, Illinois. The GSDTA will continue to assist us in codifying the dance. We anticipate two representatives at the upcoming international convention in June.

ACTION: Executive Body, Education and Training Members: Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Darryl Wilder, Donna Crite ONGOING

Business meeting: The semi-Annual meeting at the US Open Swing Championship will be postponed until November 2011. The November meeting instead will take place on the regular telecom on 21 November 2010.

ACTION: Zakeeyaw Toney ,VP of Public Relations

Chapter affiliations are now being accepted. There were a number of questions on the payment of Chapter membership. The fees are $100 per chapter. There must be seven (7) paid ISA members per chapter. The additional fees chapters charge will be subject to local bylaws which are approved by ISA HQ. The chapter fee is an annual fee. Fees can be raised at the discretion of local chapters (Steppin event, car wash, food sales, donations etc). Chapters are separated by 80 miles. The goal is to have one chapter per city distance and encourage local cooperation among Steppers. Each chapter will receive an associated level of delegate voting dependent on the size of each chapter membership.

ACTION: Anissa Guyton, VP Membership & OPEN Executive Members

Strategic Planning and Development, Dance Competition and Community leaders are needed to develop and execute plans for the 2010-2011 year. Plans are underway to host the 2011 ISA International Convention in Chicago. ISA will provide the strategic outlook to the over body based on your ideas and committee suggestions. ACTION: Executive BoD ONGOING


The ISA will sign on the contract with Oaklawn Hilton not later than 20 October 2010. The contract requires at least 10 rooms are reserved with the Oaklawn Hilton by 1 January 2010. If 10 rooms are not reservations the contract will be null and void and the ISA will lose the date and space. In addition to the 10 rooms, there’s a $2,000 banquet fee. We took a vote and queried 9 members on the call (1 guest) who agreed to register. We need to hear from the remaining 14 members to determine if they will be attending. (THIS PROPOSAL HAS TO BE APPROVED BY THE HOTEL FIRST)

Members who agreed to attend:

1. Timothy Wilson *
2. Crystal Johnson *
3. Demaris Wooten *
4. Mary Laidler *
5. Buford Collins *
6. Anissa L. Guyton *
7. Andrew Smith *
8. Seanta McClendon
9. Sonia Boston - Guest

The contract registration price for Single and Double occupancy is $129.00. Registration after 31 January 2010 will be at the regular hotel market rate. ISA members are encouraged to register upon reading the minutes so as not to lose the registration price. This effort is decided in an effort to mitigate the possible loss of ISA funds as we only have a limited amount of funds to date. The contact information is: or call direct at 708-425-7800. The address is 9333 South Cicero Avenue, Oaklawn IL. The cost of the conference will be presented on 21 November 2010 (Registration, Steppers Intensive, Scholarship and Awards Banquet, ISA Business Meeting).

Need volunteers to help out with the convention. Sarah Teagle has volunteered to do some of the social networking.

All details will be available on the ISA Website. ACTION: International Convention Committee

Website development: The ISA has accepted a bid from a company out of India for the website at $250. Completion of website will be 30 November 2010. The ISA is looking for volunteers to assist with inputting data in the various categories (Membership, Info, About Us, Pay Cart). The website will be fully functional to express all of the ISA activities and updates.

ACTION: Executive Board


Certificate of Incorporation

The President forwarded a scanned copy of the ISA charter from the Commonwealth of Virginia. The ISA is the only organization formed on behalf of all Steppers. Our Non-profit status will allow us to implement programs at the international level and document efforts of Steppers to the body of dance. The historical significance of what the ISA is doing will be guaranteed in the history books because of the efforts for each full member. The ISA members are taking charge of the African-American contribution to vernacular dance which has yet to be formally documented in the Library of Congress archives. Please see attached formal certificate. It will be included in the ISA Manual publication in June.

ACTION: Executive Board

Constitution and Operations Instruction:

The current ISA constitution is a matter of record. Clark & Allen P.C. completed an updated copy of the constitution. The existing .PDF submitted during the chartering ceremony will become the Operations Instruction (OI) as it should be flexible and come in line with the constitution which cannot be changed without review from the attorney’s. This process can be cost prohibitive so we have to review the ISA OI and vote in June 2011. This will be one of the first items of business.

ACTION: Executive Board

Officers Transition Books:

Officers are encouraged to begin building their electronic transition books for the upcoming election year. Each officer and committee chairperson should put together an electronic book so that the incoming officer will have a good transition. A sample of the transition book will be provided to all officers in November from the President.

ACTION: President

Volunteers needed: We need more volunteers to come forward and participate in the ISA activities. Paid members are encouraged to find an area to serve and assist with the activities within the ISA. There is a lot of work to do and we could use more activity by members who have given their resources to support the ISA. Without your physical support progress is slower. We do appreciate your giving but we really need your leadership and participation in the future as we move toward the upcoming convention.

ACTION: Executive Board

FREE Internet Meeting:

The President registered for a Skype account. He encouraged members to obtain a account so that we can someday conduct meetings/review documents via computer vice phone. This will be easier for us to communicate by computer, iPhone/BB, or cell phone this way. It provides us more options including video at no additional charge. Sign up takes 5 minutes at

ACTION: Executive Board

Bio’s needed: Officers are asked to developed a bio and turn in a picture for the upcoming Website. This will help the community of dancers recognize the officials in the organization. Officers please turn them in to the President before 1 December 2010. Please see sample attached

ACTION: Executive Board

Volunteers are needed for the following areas:

Website development
Competition Committee (Criteria Development and Standards, International, US, Regional, National, Local)
Social Committee
ISA Ambassador (World Dance Council, World Swing Dance Council)
Souvenir Development (T-shirts, Lapel Pins, Cuff Links, Media, DVDs, Books)
Youth Programming (Scholarships, Training, Tutoring, Arts and Entertainment Camp)
Proposal and Grant Writing (Corporate and State programs)

ACTION: Executive Board


Bro. Buford Collins provided an overview of the success of his class in learning the new critical timing information he received from the GSDTA. His students are learning faster and retaining the information and understanding of 6 beat and 8 beat patterns after a few lessons. They now are dancing to the music and understanding where they are in the music 90% of the time. This was proven time and time again and most recently during a visit from a guest from Portland. The information helped and the guest commented on how much easier it was to learn by counting music utilizing proper technique and musicality.

Bro. Buford Collins inquired about how the Newsletter is being distributed. He stated that it is easy to forward from iContact or Constant Contact. Mr. President stated that we were waiting for funds to come in. We now have the money available and can proceed with utilizing a social network/e-marketing.

Victor James congratulated members for their diligence in formalizing Steppin. More effort is needed by members and guest to ensure the message is getting out to all Steppers either electronically or word of mouth. The ISA will begin to move more aggressively in the Public Relations and Membership area to provide hard copy and informational programs to reach those who do not have computers. The first phase was to establish the organizational structure. The next transition is to improve the public relations efforts in the social community. The ISA is a formal organization first and we compliment the community culture. There is a distinct difference because we work on behalf of all Steppers and not one specific location.

The meeting adjourned at 8:16pm with closing prayer by the ISA Treasurer Sis. Crystal Johnson. The call was recorded and can be heard by dialing: 218-862-1099 307375# , #. Please use *1 (rewind), *2 (fast forward) and *5 (pause/resume). All historical meetings will be posted on the ISA website in November.

The next ISA meeting will be on Sunday, 21 November 2010 at 7pm. Please dial in by 6:45pm so that we can start on time. The dial in number is 1-218-862-1000 ACCESS CODE: 307375#.

Mary Laidler, ISA Secretary

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