Thursday, October 21, 2010
ISA August Minutes
Date: 22 August 2010
The meeting began slowly with very few members calling in on time. Without a full quorum members had to wait until sufficient members were available to vote on issues on the agenda. There were a total of 15 persons on the call however some callers remained silent. Members are encouraged to call in each week to take care of the business of the ISA in an efficient manner.
The meeting produced only one voting activity due to not having a quorum until later in the call. The minutes will be ratified as approved at the 19 September 2010 meeting.
Roll call produced the following member activity.
Members present:
1. Timothy D. Wilson, President – Washington DC **
2. Crystal Johnson, Treasurer - Virginia Beach, VA **
3. Donna Crite, Odenton, MI
4. Deborah Hunt, Virginia Beach, VA
5. Andrew W. Smith, Sergeant of Arms - Miramar, FL (Chicago IL) **
6. Jim Berry – Miami, FL (Chicago, IL)
7. Anissa L. Guyton, Vice-President of Membership – Romulus, MI **
8. Mary Laidler, Secretary, Atlanta GA (Chicago IL) **
Members absent:
1. Patricia Alexander - Detroit, MI *
2. Tracey Sisco - Boston, MA *
3. Bonita Williams - Detroit, MI **
4. Anthony Dunn, Olney, MD (Chicago IL) **
5. Darryl Wilder - Miramar, FL **
6. Pamela Dunn – Olney, MD (Chicago, IL)
7. Demaris Wooten, Upper Marlboro, MD **
8. Oswald Cooper – New Orleans, LA
9. Zakeeyaw Toney, Vice President of Public Relations - Las Vegas, NV (Chicago, IL) **
10. Buford Collins, Ferndale, MI *
11. Seanta Williams, - Melbourne, Florida
12. LC Henderson, Chicago, IL
* Charter Member
** Life Member
Officers Report:
Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report was read as of 19 August 2010 and will be forwarded to the auditing committee at the next ISA meeting for approval. There are a total of 20 members financially. The scholarship committee has raised $200 as the result of contributions from membership dues. The balance from all activities is $284.12. As of August 11, 2010 we are officially incorporated by the state of Virginia.
ACTION: Crystal Johnson, Treasurer
Public Relations report: No report was provided: ACTION: Zakeeyaw Toney, VP of Public Relations
Membership report: A membership report will be submitted to all perspective members who maintain an interest in joining the ISA. Respondents from the ISA survey will receive membership information to join the ISA. We continue to encourage new members to join and help support the International Steppers community goal to provide standardization, education and scholarship programs. ACTION: Anissa Guyton, VP of Membership
Education and Training report: The upcoming intensive is scheduled for 27-29 August 2010. The ISA has four members who will attend. Buford Collins will attend arriving a few days early to work on the syllabus planning. Notable US Open Swing Dance champions and professionals interested in the ISA’s efforts to codify Steppin are Lance Shermoen and Mary Ann Nunez. The primary outcome is to provide written documentation in the form of the ISA Training Manual 1-1. Sis Donna Crite will be donating her ISA Intensive fee to the youth scholarship program. That will increase the scholarship award opportunity to $455.00. ACTION: Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Donna Crite and Darryl Wilder
Committees: The following persons are identified as new committee chairperson
Jim L. Berry – Corporate Development – Bro. Berry will be spearheading an aggressive effort to attract donations and program funding from private and public sources.
Deborah L. Hunt – Business Development – Sis. Hunt has recently joined the ISA and is heading up the business and vendor development which will further support ISA programs and services.
Seanta McClendon – Scholarships and Awards - Sis. McClendon is developing the scholarship and awards criteria for the upcoming 2011 submission. Applications for top scholastic performers will be available for submission by 1 January 2011.
Old Business:
1. Climate Survey: The ISA developed, produced and completed the first comprehensive climate survey to the International Steppin community. The final executive summary report was submitted for BoD review. The comprehensive report provides an in depth look at demographics, economic assessment and ISA topics of interest. According to the survey of respondents, the Steppin community is spending almost $8,800,000 per annum. Likewise, individual spending is approximately $2,800 per year across all markets. The survey is attached to the minutes. The next 2011-2012 survey will be submitted on 1 August 2011. ACTION: Board of Directors (BoD) CLOSED
2. Codification: The ISA will be represented by four ISA members in Downey CA. The GSDTA will host several professional teachers and students to help continue the work of codifying and submitting the documentation for national publication of the ISA training manual 1-1. The document will identify the basic movements and characteristics of Steppin. The Steppers only intensive takes place 27-29 August 2010. Registration is now closed. ACTION: Executive Body, Education and Training Members Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Darryl Wilder, Donna Crite ONGOING
3. Business meeting: The semi-Annual meeting will be held during the US Open Swing Championship weekend on Saturday 27 November 2010 in Burbank California. ISA will attend as observers in an effort to prepare for future participation. Information will be gathered in an effort for a collective package to be presented for ISA members to attend as a collective group. VP of Public Relations will look in to getting a block of rooms for ISA Officers to attend together. ACTION: VP of Public Relations
4. Chapter affiliations are now being accepted. There were a number of questions on the payment of Chapter membership. The fees are $100 per chapter. There must be seven (7) paid ISA members per chapter. The additional fees chapters charge will be subject to local bylaws which are approved by ISA HQ. The chapter fee is an annual fee. Fees can be raised at the discretion of local chapters (Steppin event, car wash, food sales, donations etc). Chapters are separated by 80 miles. The goal is to have one chapter per city distance and encourage local cooperation among Steppers. Each chapter will receive an associated level of delegate voting dependent on the size of each chapter membership. ACTION: Executive Members
5. Strategic Planning and Development, Dance Competition and Community leaders are needed to develop and execute plans for the 2010-2011 year. Plans are underway to host the 2011 ISA International Convention in Chicago. ISA will provide the strategic outlook to the over body based on your ideas and committee suggestions. ACTION: Executive BoD ONGOING
6. 2011 ISA INTERNATONAL CONVENTION. The city of Chicago Illinois will host the 2011 International Steppers Association international convention and business meeting on 24-26 June 2011. The members unanimously voted Oaklawn Hilton the host hotel. The recommended airport is Chicago’s Midway which is 10 minutes away. The ISA is looking for energetic Steppers to host and volunteer to assist with several committees (Scholarship, Youth Programs, Dance Competition, Vendors, Tickets, Job Fair, and Health Fair). We do not have a committee chair and if there’s no volunteer, members present will be the committee. Members are encouraged to contact local Chicago Steppers to make recommendations in additional functions accordingly. The agenda is now being developed. Invitations to all international dance organizations will go out by 1 January 2011. Invitations will also be extended to the state of Illinois, Oaklawn and Chicago national, state and city leadership. There are roughly 10 months remaining. Motioned and approved that Oaklawn Hilton will be the host hotel. ACTION: Executive Board, Awards Committee
7. Website development: This is on hold until more funding is acquired to purchase a robust account. In the interim, ISA will begin using the free website offered by Madam Secretary Laidler. Continued usage of FACEBOOK and other social websites to market and advertise activities will supplement efforts. ACTION: Executive Board
8. Legal: The ISA is now a legal incorporated entity as of August 11, 2010. The ISA legal representation is CLARK & ALLEN, P.C. of Virginia. All efforts by the ISA and its members fall under the purview of the ISA and are subject to legal copyright and are not for individual use or financial gain. We are a not for profit entity and all revenue must comply with the articles of incorporation, constitution and bylaws now ratified. ISA will comply with proper filing procedures to ensure receipt of future corporate and/or charitable contributions. ACTION: Executive Board ONGOING
9. On 23 July 2010 a formal letter of support was forwarded to Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s effort to recognize the National Dance Day. The event was a success with over 3,000 dancers and over 12 genres of dance represented in front of a national audience. The flash mob line dance showcased over 250 dancers on the national lawn. The ISA will continue to support this national event in the coming future. ACTION: President, Executive Board CLOSED
10. ISA bank account will be established in Virginia by our next meeting. The legal ISA address will be posted on Facebook.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm with closing prayer lead by Bro. Andrew Smith, Sergeant at Arms. The call was recorded and can be heard by dialing: 218-862-1099 307375# , #. Please use *1 (rewind), *2 (fast forward) and *5 (pause/resume). There are 48 minutes recorded.
The next ISA meeting will be on Sunday, 19 September 2010 at 7pm. Please dial in by 6:40pm so that we can start on time. The dial in number is 1-218-862-1000 ACCESS CODE: 307375#.
Mary Laidler, ISA Secretary
1. Climate Survey Executive Summary
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