Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ISA Convention Minutes 24-26 June 2011 - Chicago Ilinois

“Celebrating our Steppin Legacy, History and Future”

Chicago Illinois

24-26 June ISA Minutes

Friday, 24 June 2011 – Oak Lawn Hilton

The meeting was called to order by the President at 930am.  The pledge of allegiance was recited in honor of the United States of America and its many veterans who continue to serve our great nation.  Opening prayer was conducted by Sister Crystal Johnson (Treasurer).  The President provided opening comments in regards to the ISA and a reflection on 2010-2011.

Executive Summary: 

One year to the day of the ISA chartering ceremony in Washington DC suburb of Clinton MD, the ISA has returned to the Windy City in recognition of the history and legacy of Steppin and urban dance.  We are very happy to be an organization that is taking an active leadership role in promoting a professional paradigm to ensure that urban dance such as Steppin establishes its place in dance history.  The ISA recognizes that there are common problematic areas found in all urban dances not just Steppin.  We, as ISA members, are committed to improving and enhancing the following areas: 

a)      Improve the availability of education opportunities to enhance a large social structure that does not have the resources to support the education of a majority adult population

o   Social labeling and education continues to limit the potential growth for youth dancers or those desiring a professional path to education or employment

b)      Encourage and support a cadre of certified and accredited teachers, instructors, professionals and judges through associations and availability of accredited teaching programs

c)      Improved the opportunities and accessibility of youth and young adults to carry on the elements of dance, arts and entertainment

o   1% of ISA survey showed no youth participating in Steppin

d)     Encourage corporate, local, state or federal funding based on grants, donations or philanthropic support

e)      Become and remain a central agency with a central agenda that supports urban dance in the aggregate community

f)       Provide legitimate written and peer reviewed documentation to academia, the broader community of dance organizations and social readers/participants who want to know more about urban dance

g)      Support the social community by encouraging them to share and participate in the myriad of activities and alternative cultures that support the availability and education of dance through proper dance techniques and education

o   Social counting through weight changes, improper definitions using social labeling and improper techniques and cultural disagreements harm future progress in all cultures

h)      Improve the trust, integrity and confidence in the integrity of judges, instructors and competition through education, accreditation and certification

i)        Remain the premier organization which maintains an overall assessment and understanding of problems, issues and concerns which may limit the ability of urban dance to join the broader body of dance through research, education and participation

With these and other ideas the ISA has the opportunity to impact a new generation of dancers, teachers and organizations.  The world is changing globally and we must remain aggressive in participating in the future.  For the past 18 months the founders and ISA members who have joined have shared their ideas and thoughts within the many meetings we have held.  Your support and continue interaction has brought us back to Chicago to continue the dialogue that will ensure us a place in Americas history of dance.  The next three days will enrich our efforts and maintain a focus that is missing across the body of urban dance.  As we continue to communicate with our sister communities, National Dance Association, World Swing Dance Council, International Blacks in Dance and National Hand Dance Association, we will move closer to our goal of identifying our contribution to the body of dance and how we as a community are more alike that separate.  By collaborating through communication and programs we will ensure our success and impact is continued throughout all communities.  In 2011-2012 the ISA will concentrate on five areas: 1) Charitable Organizations, 2) Community Philanthropy, 3) Local and National Dance Organizations, 4) Youth and Young Adult Programs and Organizations and 5) Education through Scholarships and Certification.    

The roll call of members on the opening day is as follows:

1.      Timothy D. Wilson – President – Washington, D.C.

2.      Crystal Johnson – Treasurer – Virginia Beach, VA

3.      Annisa Leigh – Vice President of Membership – Detroit, MI

4.      Seanta McClendon – Scholarship & Award – Melbourne, FL

5.      Oswald Cooper – New Orleans, LA

6.      Vanessa Savage – New Orleans, LA

7.      Scott Freeman – Boston, MA

8.      Tracey Sisco – Boston, MA

9.      Lloyd Henderson  – Chicago, IL

10.  Demaris Wooten – Washington, D.C.

11.  Sarah Teagle – Atlanta, Georgia

Old Business:

The mission and focus of the ISA is to provide education, standardization and a curriculum of development ideally suited for youth and young adult programs.  We should plan for another opportunity to host the GSDTA training program at the next opportunity.  No vote was taken.  ACTION:  VP of Education

Parliamentarian procedures were discussed at length.  The new operations manual will show the addition of the Parliamentarian position as an additional duty in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.  The Robert Rules highlight the successful organization of a meeting and ensures that the negative vote and voice is always heard.  All ISA chapters shall utilize the basic premises of Robert Rules when they conduct their meetings.  ACTION:  Board of Directors

ISA Survey:  The ISA survey will be forwarded beginning on 1 August 2011.  This is the second survey however this survey is more robust and has been restructured to encompass the broader community of over 25,000 urban dancers.  PLEASE CLICK HERE TO TAKE SURVEY.  All ISA members are encouraged to take the survey and pass the link on to others to ensure we receive adequate data on our urban community.  ACTION:  President

June Minutes:  The minutes were read and approved by the body.  No editions or changes were made. NO ACTION

Electronic Voting results:  The elections report was reviewed.  The demographics of the ISA e-elctronics survey showed that the ISA was 66% female, 33% male; 41% have undergraduate degrees and make $60,000 or less.  Indianapolis is the only ISA Chapter.  The following election votes resulted in:

·         Vice President – Mr. Victor James

·         Vice President of Public Relations – Dr. Sheila Smith

·         Vice President of Education – Mr. Buford Collins

·         Secretary– Ms. Demaris Wooten

·         Sergeant of Arms- Ms. Seanta McClendon

·         Board of Directors– Mr. Lloyd Henderson, Mr. Scott Freeman and Ms. Patricia Alexander (pending)

Treasures report:  Treasures report was read and approved for audit by the membership.  For fiscal balance please contact the Treasurer (redacted) for IRS.  The Treasurer also discussed how         the money for the convention was spent on the LLC, supplies and notations of funds.  The President further elaborated on the discussion of ISA members who paid their dues but were not in attendance.  The ISA leadership spent the remaining funds on the entirety of the convention on food and beverage.  The President utilized private funds to secure the convention and will be reimbursed first upon sufficient funds in the ISA account. The IRs 501 C 3 is still pending.  They have processed our funding however we have not received official word.

 ACTION:  Treasurer

 Membership report:  The ISA has 37 general members and 13 Life Members.  Indianapolis was accepted formally as ISA’s first chapter.  The President will visit the Indianapolis Chapter in July.  VP of Membership is looking for volunteers to assist with future membership drives.  The ISA will conduct two membership drives in 2011-2012.  More information on registration, T-shirt, Tri-fold support and newsletter strategy will be developed in conjunction with the Vice President and VP of Public Relations prior to the August 2011 meeting. 

Ms. Vanessa Savage suggested that we should have names on ISA registration badges.  Suggested noted but no vote or motion was recommended. 

New membership fees were voted unanimously:

General membership fee now:  $60.00

ISA Non-voting fee remains the same.

Life Membership administration fee:  $10.00 annually

Life Membership $350.00 (see new incentive program which ends 1 December annually)

ACTION: Vice-President, VP of Membership, VP of Public Relations

Public Affairs Report: No written reports however the newly elected VP of Public Relations will be conducting a new Press Release prior to the next ISA meeting, 8 August 2011. The ISA will cancel the use of Mad Mimi immediately.  As a result of negative perceptions of past ISA media usage the body discussed and voted to centralize all communications to the office of the President and Vice President of Public Relations.  All ISA correspondence must receive permission from the identified officers above.  All social media efforts outside of approved marketing and advertisement must cease and decease.  ISA logo and branding efforts will be protected by legal copyright and must have express written permission of the ISA officers above.   ACTION:  President, VP of Public Relations

Education and Training Report:  Mr. Buford Collins forwarded the following in his absence.

Greetings Everyone

 I like to thank everyone who has given me the opportunity to be your Vice President Education in this upcoming year. Some of my goals are to put equal written academics standards to Steppin’ as those found in traditional ballroom style dance forms. Some projects I will like to see come to fruition in this coming year is a video product that the ISA can use to further the dance and build operating funds. I think a Steppin’ 101 video product can be produced with in the year. I hoping this year we can plan to host a training program at the next annual business meeting for potential youthful students of the dance. A goal to pass this dance to the next generation is my reason for accepting the position. I will also try during the upcoming year to reach out to professional dancers and programs to see if they can support our youth effort. Hopefully with help of like minded teachers and professional we can preserve the dance to help our future generations.

Scholarship and Awards: The ISA submitted the criteria for scholarships and awards via email, website, Blogger and by regular mail.  The ISA received four packages which were reviewed and scrutinized by the Committee Chairperson Seanta McClendon.  After full evaluation no candidates meet the qualifications or time constraints.  The ISA will continue to search for valued students who are reaching excellence and desire to receive funds from the ISA.  The ISA continues to support above average students who would like to make the dance and performing art their profession at the University level or beyond.  ACTION:  Scholarship Committee

Edits and changes to Constitution and By-Laws:  The President reviewed the status of the Constitution and the Bi-laws with the body.  The constitution is maintained by the President, Secretary and Treasurer through the legal team of Clark and Allen LLC, Falls Church Virginia.  The ISA updated is Operations Manual and ensured members were cognizant of the difference in the two documents.  The Operations Manual will be reviewed annually during the ISA Convention and Business meeting.    The following is a summary of discussed changes on Friday.   Please see attached ISA Operations Manual for changes.

1.      Document title change to ISA Operations Manual

2.      Article III Section 3.3

3.      Article III Section 3.3 para 8a and 8e

4.      Article III Section 3.6 renumbered

5.      Article IV Section 4.2 and 4.3 are clarified and rewritten in third person

6.      Article V para now “Roles and Responsibilities of Officers”

The meeting was adjourned at 6pm as the remaining business would be continued on 25 June 2011.  After the body adjourned Mr. Brain Stubbs was the guest speaker during the Meet and Greet portion of the convention.  The ISA was enlighten by his contribution.

Guest speaker:  Mr. Brian Stubbs was our guest speaker for Friday evening.  He provided the group with superb insight and discussion on economic viability of the ISA as a non-profit.  He suggested that we continue on the direct pathway provided by the ISA leadership and forge relationships with the business community.  The steps we are facilitating today will go a long way to correct the deficiencies of the social sector.  Donations and support are normally provided to organizations that have a well documented central agenda, constitution, bi-laws and fiscal transparency for auditing.  By doing so contributors are willing to conduct legitimate business with the ISA.  The body of members thanked him for his support.  Mr. Stubbs also attended the Scholarship and Awards ceremony as our guest.  Mr. Stubbs bio is listed below:

Brian graduated from Northwestern University President of his class. Expertise gained with over 36 years of business experience in: accounting, procurement, and non-profit management. Key appointments include: North American Procurement Manager for Toyoda, North American Procurement Manager for Oerlikon, Nuclear Fuel Data Bank Engineer managing all transactions and keeping track of one billion dollar in asset’s, Global Director of Education, IBNS (UK), President of IBNS (USA) Midwest chapter, Secretary Treasurer of CCC, creating the vision and establishing Gemini Planning, and consulting with CEO’s on various cost reduction strategies.

Saturday, 25 June 2011 – Oak Lawn Hilton

Registration continued as more members participated on Day 2.  The call to order was made at 9am promptly. 

Roll Call of members:

1.      Timothy D. Wilson – President – Washington, D.C.

2.      Annisa Leigh – Vice President of Membership – Detroit, MI

3.      Crystal Johnson – Treasurer – Virginia Beach, VA

4.      Seanta McClendon – Scholarship & Award – Melbourne, FL

5.      Oswald Cooper – New Orleans, LA

6.      Vanessa Savage – New Orleans, LA

7.      Lloyd Henderson – Chicago, IL

8.      Demaris Wooten – Washington, D.C.

9.      Victor James – Indianapolis, IN

10.   Eboni Clayton – Indianapolis, IN

11.   Sarah Teagle – Atlanta, Georgia

  The President called the meeting to order at 9am and reviewed the agenda for Saturday

Old Business: 

The Operations Manual review discussed follows: 

The following is a summary of discussed changes on Saturday.   Please see attached ISA Operations Manual for changes.

1.      Article V Section 5.8 1-8 – clarified position of Sergeant at Arms

2.      Article VI Section 6.1 para 2

3.      Article VI Section 6.5 para describes Founding members

4.      Article VI Section 6.6 para describes Life Members benefits

5.      Article VII Section 7.1 changes to Operations Manual and changes 2/3 to majority

6.      Article VII Section 7.5 deletes “business meeting

7.      Article VII Section 7.5 replaces “with” to “without”, para also renumbered

8.      Article VII Section 7.6 defines annual year

9.      Article VII Section 7.11 defines majority decision

10.  Article VII Section 7.18 replaces old paragraph to define Life Membership

11.  Article VII Section 7.20 now Additional Requirement para

New Business:

 The body voted unanimously selected Indianapolis as the host city for the 2011-2012 ISA Convention.  Victor James motioned and was properly seconded.  The Indianapolis Chapter will have to provide an agenda and convention recommendation for hosting the event.  Hotel selection will be made with the recommendation of the Indianapolis chapter members.  Conference Direct will support the ISA in all contract activities.  The President will visit Indianapolis on 9 July 2011 to discuss the ISA and other issues with members of the Indianapolis chapter. 

ACTION:  Victor James; Indianapolis Chapter members

Life Membership Incentive program: A new Life Membership program was voted by a majority of the membership (90 incentive program offering ends on 1 December each year).  Participating members must start their first payment of $60.00 prior to 1 December.  The balance of funds must be paid by 1 March of the following year.  This effort was in consideration for those who needed more time to pay the Life Membership fee.

ACTION:  Vice President of Membership, Treasurer

The meeting adjourned at 5pm to prepare for the upcoming Scholarship and Awards Dinner


The ISA guest speaker was Mr. Larry Ivory.  He did a superb job capturing the essence of African-American and socially disadvantage communities not taking advantage of non-profit organizational status to benefit their efforts.  He applauded the ISA for its leadership in making a difference in the future of the youth of tomorrow.  He suggested that the social community needs the support of organizations such as the Black Chamber of Commerce, the Urban League, private organizations and the ISA to improve the awareness and opportunities in the global economy.  He also stated that the $10 million the social community is not captured must be mitigated and capitalized by staying on the path and direction the ISA is moving.  Companies from the entertainment, food and travel industry must see us as legitimate organizations in an effort for them to have trust in providing funds.  Our system and books must have integrity or we will not prosper as a community in this tough economy.  The ISA thanked Mr. Ivory, his wife Janis Ivory and Mr. Brian Stubbs for their support.  The ISA provided Mr. Ivory with a gift.  He pledged to continue to support the ISA as a resource for future contacts. 

Mr. Larry D. Ivory majored in International Business and has over 32 years experience in Business, with 26 years as a Financial Advisor. He was the Executive Vice President at State Wide Financial Planning and has worked for two of the leading stock brokerage firms in the Country, Merrill Lynch and Salomon Smith Barney where he was a Vice President. Larry was also a General Partner for the African Opportunity Fund, a hedge fund which invested in the African Stock Exchange.

He is currently a Business Consultant who has done consulting work for the Peoria Black Chamber of Commerce, the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce, and a variety of businesses.

Larry is married to Janis Ivory and has two children Kenyatta and Joshua Ivory.

Congratulations to all the winners.

The results of the 2011 ISA Awards:

1.      Presidents Award – Ms. Crystal Johnson

2.      Presidential Citations:

a.       Ms. Anissa Leigh -  VP of Membership

b.      Mr. Buford Collins – Education and Training

Sunday, 26 June 2011 – Oak Lawn Hilton

 The President called the meeting to order at 9am. 

1.      Timothy D. Wilson – President

2.      Victor James – Vice President 

3.      Demaris Wooten – Secretary

4.      Crystal Johnson – Treasurer

5.      Annisa Leigh – Vice President of Membership

6.      Seanta McClendon – Sergeant at Arms

7.      Oswald Cooper – New Orleans, LA

8.      Vanessa Savage – New Orleans, LA

9.      Eboni Clayton – Indianapolis, IN

Old Business:

All general business items were satisfied. 

 New Business

ISA members voted to entertain a contract with the GSDTA Intensive Training for the 2012 Convention if a minimum of 10 financial members will pay for training by 1 December 2011.  The fee is $400 for ISA members and $450 for non-ISA members.  The ISA will not seek a contract without full payment by non refundable funds by 1 December 2011.  The fees will pay for full expenses of certified and accredited instructors of the Dance Dynamics Certification Board.  This board is the GSDTA certification body of instructors which the ISA has chosen as the certifying body.  They utilize the Universal Unit System.  Oswald Cooper will work closely with Buford Collins in developing the curriculum and agenda required for the event.  All payments must be received by the Treasurer and in the ISA account by 1 December 2011.

ACTION:  Crystal Johnson, Buford Collins, Oswald Cooper

A motion was made and carried to set aside 10% of all ISA operational funds for scholarship.  The treasurer will itemize and show on all financial statements the scholarship funds collected from members and donor organizations. 


The President clarified via email his comments concerning the repayment of funds owed due to the reservation and finalized payment of the ISA convention fees from the Hilton.  All monies will be remitted to him upon receipt from operating funds to balance the account.  He did not intend to provide the ISA with the balance of funds due to ISA members not attending the ISA convention.  Treasurer maintains the clarification email. 

ACTION:  Treasurer

The President made closing comments to the body. 

The ISA is well on its way to meeting its goals to educate, standardize, provide youth and young adult programs and to improve community activities with Steppin as a basis for support.  This year’s convention and business meeting was an absolutely success.  The members who were in attendance see the vision clearly as it relates to the urban dance community and Steppin in particular.  All social and urban dance communities are in the same economic and social situation and in most cases have the same challenges and concerns. Without a centralized professional agenda where everyone has an equal voice to participate, reduce the financial and social equity burden of Steppers and urban dance members, and finally leave a significant documented legacy for future urban dancers, we will ultimately lose an entire generation of dancers.  The urban dance community must improve on our processes by integrating and utilizing proven principles that can advance our body of dancers to more understanding of dance.  The ISA is playing a critical role in being the leading urban dance organization building relationships with organizations such as the National Dance Association, World Swing Dance Council, International Association of Blacks in Dance and the National Hand Dance Association.  Likewise, the ISA will continue to forge relationships with the social community and encourage them participate in the many opportunities that are available to them.  The ISA realizes there is a natural fear and concern that something is being taken away however fear is the greatest enemy to progress.  The ISA also knows that our community is losing precious resources and funds individually that further dilutes the economic income of the individuals to support the many entertainment and instructional efforts by entrepreneurs, promoters, instructors and local communities.  With education, knowledge and participation we will continue to grow as a community of knowledgeable dancers and leave a robust legacy to our children.  Without a cadre of children, youth or young adults participating or competing we can see the challenge is great and we will be held accountable if we do not take this bold step to change to a paradigm of excellence through education and organization.  All ISA members are a part of this great continuum and should be commended for your leadership! 

The next Board of Directors call will be Monday, 8 August 2011 at 8pm (New York time).  All Board of Directors should call in 15 minutes early.  Please dial 218-862-1000.  Access number is 307375#.
Closing prayer was provided by Sister Crystal Johnson (Treasurer). 

The meeting adjourned at 1135. 


Demaris K. Wooten

ISA Secretary

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