Date: 19 April 2010
The August intensive telecom began with opening prayer by Andrew Smith, Sergeant at Arms of the ISA. A brief introduction of the following callers was completed before discussion began.
ISA Members on call:
1. Timothy D. Wilson, President, Washington DC **
2. Crystal Johnson, Treasurer, Virginia Beach, VA ** +++
3. Bonita Williams, Detroit, MI ** +++
4. Buford Collins, Detroit, MI * +++
5. Anissa Leigh, Detroit, MI +++
6. Andrew Smith, Sergeant of Arms, Fort Lauderdale, FL * +++
7. Darryl Wilder, VP of Education and Training, Miramar, FL ** +++
8. Zakeeyaw Toney, Las Vegas, NV ** +++
* Charter Member
** Life Member
Interested intensive guest:
1. Mentha Manning, Detroit, MI
2. Sonia Harris, Boston MA +++
3. Patricia Alexander, Detroit, MI +++
4. Valerie Morman, Memphis, TN
5. Chaundra Satchell, Hampton, VA +++
6. Damon Rose, Virginia Beach, VA
7. Denise Leichter, Los Angeles, CA
+++ Interested in August training (10 Steppers minimum required)
1. The telecom discussion involved a brief introduction of the ISA organization, officers, purpose, goals and objectives. The primary purpose of the ISA is to provide an umbrella administrative function to ensure that Steppin is annotated, codified and standardized under a single curriculum that identifies Steppin as a legitimate dance from under the Swing umbrella of social dances. Similar to other Six beat rhythm patterns (Lindy Hop, West Coast Swing, Shag) Steppin shares many of the common elements which allows for creativity and innovation. The training of seasoned Steppin instructors will allow for more uniform and consistent explanations thereby retaining students and adding a new generation of dancers. Likewise, the ISA will be the central organization to support each Stepper, regional and local chapters with youth programs and scholarship opportunities utilizing the ISA nonprofit status. The telecom involved over 16 callers who covered over 1313 minutes of talk time. The meeting ended with prayer by Andrew Smith and was adjourned at 8:02 pm. If you are interested in listening to the recorded conversation, please call 218-862-1099, access code: 307375#.
2. The ISA began on 1 January 2010 with its first ISA telecom meeting on 30 January 2010. Since that time the ISA has raised over $1200 from nine (9) fully paid members. The organization is open to all dancers, instructors, teachers, promoters, disc jockeys and others who are interested in moving Steppin to the international body of dancers. With over 6.6 billion customers the ISA is posed to reach out to the existing body of dancers as well as new customers who have yet to see Steppin in its full elegant format.
3. Membership in ISA is a simple process of logging on to and entering in the “service” payment to If you do not have an account simply log on as it takes just five (5) minutes to complete. The cost to join is as follows: Membership dues: $35 (non-voting members), $50 (voting members), $100 (Charter Members), $200 (Life Membership). All fees are set until 26 June 2010. Membership fees will be reassessed after the ISA is chartered by majority vote. Membership numbers (Charter/Life Membership) will be based on payment date. All membership fees pay minimum $10 towards youth scholarship programs. Local Chapter dues (must have 7 paid members) are $100. Detroit Michigan and Miami Florida areas have the largest concentration of paid members to date.
4. The ISA is sponsoring two dance intensives in association with the Golden State Dance Teachers Association. Ms. Skippy Blair and her wonderful staff of instructors will be teaching on 6-12 August and 27-30 August respectively. The location is Downey California. These sessions are open to all Steppers and uniquely designed for those desiring certification by a nationally recognized certification organization. The GSDTA is headed by Ms. Skippy Blair (WSDC co-founder, former Arthur Murray Dance instructor). Ms. Blair and her team of dance professionals have assisted in the codification of Steppin by utilizing the Universal Unit System®. Basic patterns such as the extended right, roll up roll back, spins and turns are a part of the basic elements of the beginning curriculum which was introduced at the March intensive. Movements are now associated with the music providing sound explanation of the dance as well as the music. The GSDTA does not teach weight changes or arbitrary labeling methods (8 or 6 count) as it does not represent music or dance theory. In addition, the use of the Universal Unit System dancers can now annotate, document and explain all movements to the students based on sound principles. This system will be taught to all participants during the August intensive. The use of the rolling count improves critical timing, overall understanding and clarity of movements and positioning of Steppin. Critical timing accounts for all beats of music in the dance pattern. The cost for the intensive is $325 which includes a general membership to ISA and the cost of the GSDTA Steppers Intensive. Associated school material will be provided on site. There will also be additional study material you may be able to purchase that will enhance your classroom instruction. ISA and the GSDTA will provide an overall agenda and curriculum of instruction for all registered and paid students by 26 June 2010.
5. ISA Chartering: The chartering planning and ceremonial dinner is being scheduled for 26 June 2010 in Washington DC. Members should arrive on Friday 25 June 2010 and depart on Sunday 27 June 2010. Pictures will be taken for the official ISA archives and the national news release. The draft agenda is:
0900 Business Meeting
1300 Charter Ceremony (Lunch/Dinner)
1900 Social Meeting and Dance with local DMV based Steppers
6. For further questions or comments, please log on to FACEBOOK. Specific questions can be addressed to the ISA membership committee at
o Upcoming important activities:
o US Grand Nationals 27-31 May 2010
o ISA Chartering Ceremony, 26 June 2010
o US Swing Nationals Championships, Saturday 27 November 2010
o ISA National Convention and General Assembly, 24-26 June 2011
7. Committee and volunteer leaders are needed for (Marketing and Advertisement, Awards, Dance Competition, Scholarship, Youth, and General Assembly meeting). ISA is looking for a local city chapter to host the 2011 Annual Scholarship and Awards Convention. The chapter must be active (7 voting members) and provide a location, agenda and program to host the larger Steppin community. Detroit and Miami are 3 members short of having the first chapter in ISA.
8. ISA TOP 5 MARKETS: Market potential data is based on overall city population, GDP, Household income, computer usage and Stepper/student ratio. Future data will include competitive dance participation on national and international scale. Data is informational in nature only.
Chicago 192.1
Los Angeles 29.2
Atlanta 14.9
Detroit 4.5
Cleveland 2.5
9. The next ISA meeting will be held on Sunday 25 April 2010 at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time. You may call in at 218-862-1000, Access Code: 307375# to listen in or contribute to the overall enhancement of Steppin .
ISA Planning Committee
The International Steppers Association: fully funded, self-organized and operated professional association for Steppers and affiliate members interested in furthering the development and education of Steppin as a Swing dance forum under the World Dance Council and World Swing Dance Council.
2010 ISA overview draft agenda:
• Establish administrative International Headquarters with full constitution and bi-laws
• Seek fully paid members with established membership and associated privileges (discounts, charter membership, life time members, localized and regional affiliate chapters)
• Provide full time information and media support (1-800 #, email, website and Post Office Box)
• Develop and promote a centralized website, activities and calendar of events
• Join and support the US Swing Dance Association programming (intensive judge and instructor training, international membership and affiliate chapters and international and national competitions)
• Document and establish historical references, terminology and definitions, standardized movements and techniques and publish efforts in official periodicals
• Develop and maintain full time youth and charity programs
• Establish legitimate annual and five year budget programs to obtain 501 c 3 membership
• Host annual conventions, business and membership meetings for paid members
• Advocate for Steppers on media, legal and public relations activities
• Provide venue for international members and affiliate chapters
• Develop centralized training curriculums for judges, instructors and teachers
• Seek and obtain grants and funding from private sector donors
The bylaws and constitution will be voted upon from 1-31 May 2010. If you are interested in participating in this open dialogue or assisting with your talents and resources in the future please email the POCs below.
Contact us at:
International Steppers Association Conference Call # 218-862-1000 Access Code: 307375#
Monday, April 19, 2010
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