Saturday, January 29, 2011

ISA Meeting Agenda: Sunday, 30 January 2011

Date:  Sunday,  30 January 2011

1.     Welcome
2.      Call to order  (Sergeant of Arms)
3.      Roll call of members present  (VP of Membership)
4.      Approval of previous minutes (Secretary)
5.      Officers reports.
·         Treasurer's Report
·         VP Membership Report
·          Public Relations Report
·         Education and Training Report
6.      Committee reports
·        Annual business meeting
·        Strategic planning

7.       Old business.
  •   ISA International Convention Planning (Preparation begins)
  •   Chapter Membership
  •   Elections
  •   Scholarship Announcement
  •   Website development
  •   ISA Constitution and Charter
  •  Strategic Planning/History project
 8.       New business     
              .    Trademark/Logo Restrictions       .
                        .    Leadership Positions
                        .    Open to the Floor
. ISA Website linked to members (organizational) websites
            9.    Announcements.
10.  Adjournment
11.   Next meeting TBD

Meeting will start at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.  International Steppers Association Conference Call #  218-862-1000
Access Code:  307375#. 

Mary Laidler
International Steppers Association

Sunday, January 16, 2011

ISA Newsletter: January 2011

Volume 1  Winter 2011                                                                              
                                                                        17 January 2011

President’s Corner:

ISA members 2011-2012 is starting off to be a superb year of effort.  Let us all please welcome our latest ISA member Brenda Foster from Atlanta Georgia.  She is member number 26!  We are excited as a group and looking forward to increasing our membership and our participation in the broader focus of the dance community. 
We have launched our efforts to provide educational scholarships to worthy students who apply.  In addition with planning for our 2011 International Convention this is a priority that we have committed and keep our promise to the community.  With less than 6 months remaining all of our energy will be geared toward making our business meeting a success.  For this to happen we have to keep our focus on the upcoming agenda.  Our next meeting is Sunday, 30 January 2011 at 7pm EST so I trust you will be on the call. 
There will be a lot to discuss during the upcoming call.  I have listed a few areas for your consideration.
ISA International Convention
Chicago 24-26 June 2011
Congratulations!  The excitement is beginning as we prepare for the 2011 ISA International Convention, 24-26 June 2011.  We have more than 15 members reserved at the host hotel.  Members are encouraged to make their reservations NOW to avoid increased rates after the deadline below.  Please make reservation with the Hilton, Oak Lawn.  All members will receive the tax deductible group rate of $129.00 until 31 January 2011.  ISA members will automatically receive the ISA rate for the entire reservation period (two days before and two days after). The hotel rate will revert back to the market rate as of 1 February 2011 so please make reservation as soon as possible to ensure you receive the ISA rate.  ISA members who fail to register must pay non-registrants fee of $60.00 in addition to their convention registration. 
Please contact:  Hilton Reservation,
9333 S. Cicero Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Tel.: 708 425 7800   Fax: 708 229 8858
Reservations: or 1-800-HILTONS
Note:  Wanted ISA Convention planners to assist with convention planning and set up.  Volunteers please forward your name to so that we can add you to the list of members who will be helping out.

30 January 2011 Agenda Items for consideration


The following offices will be open for nomination at the ISA Convention.  Please consider the offices and responsibilities required for each position.  The ISA needs good leaders who are committed to the mission and vision of the ISA. 

These positions are to be held for two consecutive years

·        ISA Vice-President
·        Vice-President of Public Relations
·        Vice-President of Education

Board Members

(Members do not have to be from the Steppin community)

·        3 Voting Members
·        2 Non-voting Members

Committee Assignments:  All ISA members should be a part of a committee .  We will be discussing the appointment of members to a particular committee and allow the committee chairperson the opportunity to work within their committee for promotion of projects and programs.  The list of committees is below:

·        Business Development
·        Strategic Planning
·        Scholarship and Awards
·        Community Planning
·        Local and Affiliate Chapters

Scholarships Criteria Announced:  Please log on to the ISA website for more details on the Scholarship Criteria.  Applications are now being accepted for students who qualify.  Scholarship recipient selection(s) will be made without regard to race, age, gender, religion, political beliefs, employment status, or any other factor, which could constitute unfair or illegal discrimination.  Students must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen and must attend college in the U.S. or Canada during the duration of the scholarship year.  Applicants must be in good standing and have a minimum of a 3.15 cumulative overall grade point average at his/her high school, college or university, and be enrolled full-time during the spring semester when application is made and the following fall semester.  All applications should be mailed to be sent to or mailed to the national headquarters:  International Steppers Association, 404 Investors Place Suite #106,  Virginia Beach VA  23452-1171. 

For more information, log on to

Website development

Please log on to the new ISA website and register using your current ISA email or make your own Username.

Meeting minutes details:

The next ISA meeting will be on Sunday, 30 January 2011 at 7pm EST.  Please dial in by 6:45pm so that we can start on time.  The dial in number is 1-218-862-1000 ACCESS CODE: 307375#.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

International Steppers Association seeks 2011 scholarship candidates

Contact: International Steppers Association


Press Release

International Steppers Association seeks 2011 scholarship candidates 

Melbourne, Florida, January 16, 2011.   The International Steppers Association (ISA) releases its 2011-2012 scholarship criteria for graduating high school seniors or current college students.  The scholarship is intended to provide financial support to students who demonstrate a commitment to the field of dance (performance, academia or the dance industry).  Applicants must be a high school senior who has been accepted in to a four year accredited university or currently enrolled in an accredited program that will lead to an undergraduate degree in a field of study designed to prepare students for careers in dance, fine arts or the entertainment (performance) industry.  Awards will be made only to applicants enrolled at institutions that are members of the Council of Arts Accrediting Associations.   “This is a milestone we have been aiming for since the ISA was chartered in 2010.  The ISA is keeping its promise to provide education opportunities to our youth in our dance community.  We encourage all students who qualify to submit an application,” says the ISA Scholarship Awards committee chairperson, Ms. Seanta McClendon. 
The scholarship recipient (s) will be selected annually by members of the ISA scholarship committee.  Criteria to be reviewed include academic and employer references, academic standing, commitment to the academic program, two letters of recommendation (minimum) and other specified criteria will be considered. Parameters for selection include commitment to careers in dance and the performing arts, merit, traditional progress toward degrees, character, campus citizenship, campus involvement, volunteer activities, and financial need.  Applications must submit their information to the ISA by 15 April 2011. Recipient (s) will be notified by letter and invited to the annual awards banquet at the ISA International Convention at the Hilton in Oak Lawn, Illinois.   This years banquet will be on Saturday, 25 June 2011.   “The awards banquet will always be the center of our annual convention planning.  The ISA’s #1 priority is to educate, train and provide standardization updates to our community of dancers.  This will ensure that Steppin is formally documented in the body of academic knowledge and continues to exist well in to the future.  A large part of this effort is to place our young students first as they are the future and the ultimate recipients of our combined efforts,” says ISA President T. Dweylan Wilson.
Scholarship recipient selection(s) will be made without regard to race, age, gender, religion, political beliefs, employment status, or any other factor, which could constitute unfair or illegal discrimination.  Students must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen and must attend college in the U.S. or Canada during the duration of the scholarship year.  Applicants must be in good standing and have a minimum of a 3.15 cumulative overall grade point average at his/her high school, college or university, and be enrolled full-time during the spring semester when application is made and the following fall semester.  All applications should be mailed to be sent to or mailed to the national headquarters:  International Steppers Association, 404 Investors Place Suite #106,  Virginia Beach VA  23452-1171. 
For more information, log on to

ISA Announces Educational Scholarships!!!!!

International Steppers Association Scholarship Criteria

The International Steppers Association Scholarship is intended to provide financial support to students who demonstrate a commitment to the field of dance (performance, academia or the industry).  Applicants must be a high school senior who has been accepted in to a four year accredited university or currently enrolled in an accredited program that will lead to an undergraduate degree in a field of study designed to prepare students for careers in dance, fine arts or the entertainment (performance) industry.  Awards will be made only to applicants enrolled at institutions that are members of the Council of Arts Accrediting Associations. Members of the Council of Arts Accrediting Associations (CAAA) are the National Association of Schools of Music, founded in 1924; the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, founded in 1944; the National Association of Schools of Theatre, founded in 1965; and the National Association of Schools of Dance, founded in 1981. Among them, these organizations accredit over 1000 institutions or programs in the arts, primarily in conservatories, colleges, universities, and independent schools of the arts.
1. ISA Scholarship recipients will be selected annually by the ISA scholarship committee, after review of application material. Academic and employer references, academic standing, commitment to the academic program, two letters of recommendation (minimum) and other specified criteria will be considered. Parameters for selection include commitment to careers in dance and the performing arts, merit, traditional progress toward degrees, character, campus citizenship, campus involvement, volunteer activities, and financial need.
2. Awards may be made to high school seniors, college freshman, sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Applicants enrolled full-time in baccalaureate programs in the next fall term are the primary candidates for the awards. Consideration will be given to applicants with outstanding credentials that are enrolled full-time in a formal dance program leading to an associate degree. Scholarships will be awarded only for undergraduate study.
3. Students must submit an application and all required information by the 1 May of each year. Recipient (s) will be notified by phone call or letter no later than June 1 of their selection.
4. Completed application must contain name, address, email and other related contact information with all supporting documentation and must be postmarked by April 15. No late applications or parts of the application packet will be accepted.
5. The award is to be used during the traditional academic year (fall through spring), and for academic purposes such as tuition, fees, room, board, and/or books.
6. The ISA Scholarship committee reserves the right to determine if an award will be given for the calendar year.
7. Scholarship funds are payable to educational institution(s) only. Exceptions to this policy can be made by recommendation of the committee based upon individual circumstances.
8. Relatives of the current ISA Scholarship committee and current officers or Board of Directors of the ISA are ineligible.
9. Scholarship recipient selection(s) will be made without regard to race, age, gender, religion, political beliefs, employment status, or any other factor, which could constitute unfair or illegal discrimination.
10. Student must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen and must attend college in the U.S. or Canada during the duration of the scholarship year.
11. Student must be in good standing, have a minimum of a 3.15 cumulative overall grade point average at his/her high school, college or university, and be enrolled full-time during the spring semester when application is made and the following fall semester.
12. Student must submit a transcript from all high school, colleges/universities attended with his/her application. Transcripts must indicate cumulative grade point average.
13. Decisions of the committee are final in all matters related to the above practices.

All applications must be sent to or mailed to:

International Steppers Association
404 Investors Place Suite #106
Virginia Beach VA  23452-1171