(Top l-r, Andrew W. Smith, Demaris Wooten, Anthony Dunn, Anissa L. Guyton, Timothy D. Wilson,
Bottom l-r, Zakeeyaw Toney, Mary Laidler, Crystal Johnson, Donna Crite)
Date: 26 June 2010
The meeting began with opening prayer by Andrew Smith, Sergeant of Arms. The 13 June 2010 meeting minutes were approved without comment. The meeting was held in person as this was the ISA chartering ceremony weekend. There were 9 participants on hand and two guests visited in support of the ISA meeting.
Roll call of members was conducted by Ms. Anissa Guyton and the following was the result:
Members present:
1. Timothy D. Wilson, President – Washington DC **
2. Zakeeyaw Toney, Vice President of Public Relations - Las Vegas, NV (Chicago, IL) **
3. Mary Laidler, Secretary, Atlanta GA (Chicago IL) **
4. Anissa L. Guyton, Vice-President of Membership – Romulus, MI **
5. Andrew W. Smith, Sergeant of Arms - Miramar, FL (Chicago IL) **
6. Crystal Johnson, Treasurer - Virginia Beach, VA **
7. Demaris Wooten, Upper Marlboro, MD **
8. Anthony Dunn, Olney, MD (Chicago IL) **
9. Donna Crite, Odenton, MD
Members absent:
1. Patricia Alexander - Detroit, MI *
2. Tracey Sisco - Boston, MA *
3. Bonita Williams - Detroit, MI **
4. Darryl Wilder - Miramar, FL **
5. Buford Collins – Ferndale, MI *
6. Pamela Dunn – Olney, MD (Chicago, IL)
7. Jim Berry - Miami FL
1. Byron Simpson, Washington DC
2. Deborah L. Hunt, Virginia Beach, VA
* Charter Member
** Life Member
Officers Report:
Treasurer’s report: was read and approved for auditing committee. Subsequent auditing revealed the balance of $2450 raised in the past 180 days. ACTION: Crystal Johnson, Treasurer
Public Relations report: A progressive program to highlight a number of ISA initiatives continue. Social networking has been a significant success in advertising and marketing. More efforts will continue with eNewsletter and eCommerce in the near future. More emphasis will be supported at local Steppers functions. ACTION: Zakeeyaw Toney, VP of Public Relations
Membership report: There are 16 financial ISA members. All members have been provided with their member number and their current status is updated. Membership fees will continue to be highlighted in the marketing literature. ACTION: Anissa Guyton, VP of Membership
Education and Training report: The President provided an update on the upcoming August intensive program hosted by the GSDTA and Ms. Skippy Blair. The ISA is seeking more assistance from interested teachers who would like to participate in codification of the dance. Only 10 Steppers will participate in the first Steppers intensive in Downey, CA. The VP of Education position is vacant and a leader is required to synchronize and direct a team skilled to document the basic movements of Steppin. There has been superb progression on the 10 basic moves of Steppin. Buford Collins video tapped a superb ISA initial segment to match the draft 10 Steppin moves for Skippy to review and consider. That effort will continue at the August intensive in Downey, CA. What we hope to obtain out of that effort is the ISA sponsored codification material. Along with what Skippy and the President completed in March 2010 the ISA is well on its way to have training material for larger production by Chicago 2011. This is the first effort we have combined to come up with the basic curriculum that we can submit to the international governing body for consideration as a Swing dance. ACTION: Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Donna Crite and Darryl Wilder
The meeting began with a brief strategic overview of the International Steppers Association. Discussion followed as members contributed to the long and short range vision of the ISA (see Executive Summary).
Old Business:
1. Constitution/Bi-laws: The constitution and bylaws were ratified by majority vote. The following is a summary of ratified items.
a) Article III para 3.3 Section III Board of Directors voting members – voting membership has been changed from three voting members and two non voting members to read “five (5) voting members.
b) Article VII para 7.2 Section II: Chapter organizations distance – The mileage between ISA chapters was modified to read 80 miles versus 150. This will allow more independence and autonomy for cities that have more of clusters of Steppers in close proximity.
c) Article VII para 7.3 Section III: Rates: The numerical rates were removed to allow more flexibility in rates for membership. The current membership rates are $35 (non voters/scholarship donations), $50 (voting member), $300 (Life membership fee).
d) Article VII para 7.4 Section IV: Affiliate Membership: - Amended and ratified to remove the 4th sentence…”Affiliate members are entitled to all rights as listed under the bylaws of the ISA.” This identifies affiliates as performing specific projects for partnership and clarifies benefits provided to the general ISA members.
2. Founding members of the ISA are:
1) Timothy D. Wilson, Washington DC
2) Crystal Johnson, Virginia Beach, VA
3) Zakeeyaw Toney, Las Vegas, NV
4) Darryl Wilder, Miramar, FL
5) Anissa L. Guyton, Romulus, MI
6) Andrew W. Smith, Fort Lauderdale, FL
7) Patricia Alexander, Detroit, MI
8) Bonita Williams, Detroit, MI
9) Buford Collins, Ferndale, MI
10) Tracey Sisco, Boston, MA
11) Mary Laidler, Atlanta, GA
12) Demaris Wooten, Upper Marlboro, MD
3. Membership continues with the new due structure as follows: $35 (non-voting members), $50 (voting members), $300 (Life Membership). The increase in fees will ensure operating expenses are not more than 45% of operation expenses. All membership fees pay minimum $10 towards youth scholarship programs. There is $160 slated for scholarships to date. Log on www.paypal.com for payment to Dweylan@aol.com ACTION: Vice President of Membership, Anissa Guyton
4. Education and Training: A VP of Education and Training is needed. All volunteers should submit and email if interested with their qualifications. All material developed and produced will become the property of the ISA after development. The ISA will make the material available to the general public for distribution during promotion opportunities. ACTION: Education and Training Members Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Darryl Wilder, Donna Crite
5. Codification: The initial video and document of 10 Basic Step moves was submitted to Skippy Blair. We will continue to perfect all of the inputs as we move toward the intensive in August. The ISA is sponsoring only one dance intensives in association with the Golden Dance Teachers Association. Ms. Skippy Blair will be teaching ONLY on 27-30 August respectively. The location is Downey California. These sessions are open to Steppers through ISA only and uniquely designed for those desiring certification by a nationally recognized body of instructors. The GSDTA is headed by Ms. Skippy Blair (WSDC co-founder, former Arthur Murray Dance instructor). The GSDTA class limit is 10 Steppers. Payment of $325 must be made through the ISA at www.paypal.com. Username Dweylan@aol.com. The cost covers 1 year ISA membership as well as your registration with the dance intensive course material. The cost is the same for new members as the cutoff date was 26 June 2010 for the ISA members. In other words all new members must pay the $325 regardless of when they join.
ACTION: Executive Body, Education and Training Members Buford Collins, Bonita Williams, Darryl Wilder, Donna Crite
6. All ISA officers for the 2010-2011 year were sworn in to office and ratified by the constitution. CLOSED
7. Business meeting: The semi-Annual meeting will be held during the World Swing Council meeting on Saturday 27 November 2010. This will be during the World Swing Dance Council National Competition weekend. ISA will attend as observers in an effort to prepare for future participation. Information will be gathered in an effort for a collective package to be presented for ISA members to attend as a collective group. ACTION: Executive Board
8. Chapter affiliations are now being accepted. This will allow local and regional participation at the ISA level. Chapter fees are $100 per chapter. There must be seven (7) paid members per chapter. Chapters are separated by 80 miles. The goal is to have on chapter per city distance and encourage local cooperation among Steppers. Each chapter will receive an associated level of delegate voting dependent on the size of each chapter membership. ACTION: Executive Members
9. Committee (Strategic Planning and Development, Awards, Dance Competition, Scholarship, Youth, and Community) leaders are needed to develop and execute plans for the 2010-2011 year. Plans are underway to host the 2011 ISA International Convention in Chicago. ISA will provide the strategic outlook to the over body based on your ideas and committee suggestions. ACTION: Executive Body
10. Budget report: ISA has raised a total of $2450. ISA has donated $160 towards our youth scholarship fund. Fund balance is $1199 after expenses. ACTION: Crystal Johnson, Treasurer
11. The city of Chicago Illinois will play host to the 2011 International Steppers Association international convention 24-26 June 2011. The ISA is looking for energetic Steppers to host and volunteer to assist with several committees (Scholarship, Youth Programs, Dance Competition, Vendors, Tickets, Job Fair, Health Fair). The city of Chicago is participating on the local level to make this happen. The itinerary of events and full agenda will be voted up in the upcoming ISA meetings. ACTION: Executive Board, Awards Committee
New Business
1. Website development: ISA is looking for an ISA volunteer to spear head this effort to develop a competitive RFB proposal for future website production. Ideas and price proposal must be presented before consideration is accepted. ACTION: Executive Board
2. Legal: ISA incorporation paper work has been submitted to two attorneys for review. All incorporation paper work and 501 c -3 status should be completed by 1 December 2010. All efforts by the ISA and its members fall under the purview of the ISA and are subject to legal copyright and are not for individual use or financial gain. We are a not for profit entity and all revenue must comply with the articles of incorporation, constitution and bylaws now ratified. ISA will comply with proper filing procedures to ensure receipt of future corporate and/or charitable contributions. ACTION: Executive Board
From the Floor:
1. Ms. Skippy Blair presented an overview of the Steppers request to be recognized as a Swing dance to the World Swing Dance Council on 2 July 2010. The WSDC Board of Directors were briefed on 3 July 2010 concerning this issue by a voting board member. The ISA will submit a formal request to the WSDC Board in the near future. We should hear back from them as to what their evaluation will be.
Lets pray that their future decision will be positive and in our favor for inclusion. ACTION: President, Executive Board
The meeting was successful and adjourned in an effort to prepare for the official chartering ceremony.
The next ISA meeting will be the formal chartering meeting on Sunday, 25 July 2010 at 7pm. Please dial in by 6:45pm so that we can start on time. The dial in number is 1-218-862-1000 ACCESS CODE: 307375#.
Mary Laidler, ISA Secretary
1. Executive Summary
2. August GSDTA Steppers Intensive
Executive Summary
The minutes reflect the first meeting of the ISA members collectively and in person. The ISA members met on behalf of the over 15,000 traveling Steppers who grace the international dance industry spreading the culture and social norms of the Steppin community. The ISA has documented over 145 social instructors who teach Steppin to a unique collection of urban dancers. The growing population involves over 33 cities where over 2800 Steppers dance on any given day. The collective economic spending base is roughly $1.2 million dollars annually and $42,000 on any given weekend. For example we estimated that Miami is spending over $1,500 per week on ticket sales alone. This example and others helps us begin to understand the economic commitment of the local Steppin community for each city identified.
The Midwest has a very unique cluster of activity. Over 55% of all Steppers live within a 2 hour flight of Chicago’s million dollar mile. This equates to over $400,000 in tickets sales annually. Further research will be developed to estimate additional revenue gained from souvenirs, accessories, and music product sales that have yet to be accounted. Given that most promoters, instructors, organizers and the like are from the grassroots effort we can surmise that we are giving back a large percentage to the government from undocumented expenses. This further erodes our collective spending power and influence in the community. One of the ISA goals is to ensure our community participates 100% by documenting our efforts to receive full benefits from our professional services. This helps each of us provide more services such as scholarships, job services, community planning and activities to the aggregate community. The importance of these factoids communicates the positive efforts Steppers are making to the community and how much more we can do with a comprehensive unity of purpose.
The ISA and its members have formally organized on behalf of the thousands of Steppers who have graced the dance floor. The social equity gained by a community of dancers started from a mixture of dances in a variety of dance communities. Today a legacy of Steppers can see their labor of enjoyment passed down to the modern generation who are making a concerted effort to maintain our history and culture. Simultaneously, we are embracing other dance enthusiast who have opened their doors and shared their knowledge in kind. What lies ahead is the progression to incorporate and participate with an international dialogue of topics with those who have not been exposed to Steppin. Steppin has a unique blend of urban clothing; internalized communication, rhythmic dance moves, stylish movements and pulsating patterns on the down beat that make a clear distinction in the dance community. It is with this understanding that inclusion in the broader community is now appropriate and necessary. The first steps have been taken and shall continue by documenting the steps taken to ensure the dance community will understand Steppin in its traditional context.
The men and women of the ISA are dedicated to promoting, educating and standardizing a basic curriculum of instruction for youth and adults in the urban Swing community. Our vision encourages excellence and common respect in our social culture. As of 26 June 2010 let the record show that the 12 Charter members and 16 members in attendance were at the forefront of supporting Swing dance, Steppin in particular, on behalf of over 3,000 Steppers internationally. The future is bright as progressive steps are underway to ensure that the popularity and success of Steppin is achieved to its fullest capacity by a family of dancers who recognize its contribution and inclusion in the overall body of dance.
The ISA executive body will submit documentation to the National Archives, Library of Congress and Smithsonian Institute to ensure Steppin is categorized along with other social dances. Further, formal letters of introduction and request for acceptance will be forwarded to the World Dance Council (Scotland), World Swing Dance Council (Los Angeles, CA), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO (Paris), USA Dance Sport (Richmond, VA), National Endowment for the Arts (Washington, DC) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (Washington, DC). They each will be invited to send a letter recognizing our achievement and an invitation to the Chicago 2011 convention.
ISA encourages other Steppers, locally and internationally, to participate at the individual, chapter and national level to ensure sustained success for future generations.
For more information, please contact:
President: internationalsteppersassociation@yahoo.com
Membership services: isa.vpofmembership@yahoo.com
Steppers Intensive
(All expenses are tax deductible for ISA members)
6-11 August 2010 (SOLD OUT) or 27-30 August 2010 (Steppers only workshop)
The Golden State Dance Teachers Association
and Ms. Skippy Blair
What you will learn:
History of Swing
Difference of all dances
Fundamentals of all forms of Dance
Annotation and Codification
Essentials of the Universal Unit System ®
Steppers 101 Curriculum
Basic Six Beat Rhythm Patterns
Proper foot positing you did not know
Ladies body movement and why
Leading by understanding
Proper terminology
Critical Timing vs Weight Changes
How to become a judge, certified instructor and teacher
Rules vs Tools
Career vs Avocation
100% Tax deductions of all expense for ISA members
o Please ensure you get your receipt from the ISA
One year membership to ISA
Earn points toward GSDTA Certification
Gain creditability from professional and social participation
Competition rules and procedures
Development of standardized curriculum and training methods
Gain critical teaching skills that are proven
Student retention will increase at intermediate levels
Dance methods according to music and dance theory
Improves your professional and social development
Clear and concise explanation of Steppin basic patterns and dance in general
Books, CDs, Documentation, Universal Unit System ® cards
Over 50 years of teaching expertise
Cost: $325 (10 Steppers only)
www.paypal.com (Dweylan@aol.com)
Location: Downey, California
Increased knowledge, teaching and social participation all in one intensive
The International Steppers Association: fully funded, self-organized and operated professional association for Steppers and affiliate members interested in furthering the development and education of Steppin as a Swing dance forum under the World Dance Council and World Swing Dance Council.
2010 ISA overview agenda:
• Establish administrative International Headquarters with full constitution and bi-laws
• Seek fully paid members with established membership and associated privileges (discounts, charter membership, life time members, localized and regional affiliate chapters)
• Provide full time information and media support (1-800 #, email, website and Post Office Box)
• Develop and promote a centralized website, activities and calendar of events
• Join and support the US Swing Dance Association programming (intensive judge and instructor training, international membership and affiliate chapters and international and national competitions)
• Document and establish historical references, terminology and definitions, standardized movements and techniques and publish efforts in official periodicals
• Develop and maintain full time youth and charity programs
• Establish legitimate annual and five year budget programs to obtain 501 c 3 membership
• Host annual conventions, business and membership meetings for paid members
• Advocate for Steppers on media, legal and public relations activities
• Provide venue for international members and affiliate chapters
• Develop centralized training curriculums for judges, instructors and teachers
• Seek and obtain grants and funding from private sector donors
The current bi-laws and constitution are being drafted and developed however we need more assistance from Steppers from all areas. If you are interested in participating in this open dialogue or assisting with your talents and resources in the future please email the POCs below.
Contact us at: internationalsteppersassociation@yahoo.com
International Steppers Association Conference Call # 218-862-1000 Access Code: 307375#